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1858 Remington

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My brother has  1858 Remington in 44.

He converted it to 45. 
It shoots about a foot high. Does anyone know it the front sight it screwed it, soldered, or pressed it.

Also shoots to the left. Can the frame be turned like on colt stile firearms.

Thank You

Bailey Creek







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How is he shooting when this happens? The reason I ask is that shooting two handed rested with my 1858 with the Howell conversion cylinder, it shoots high. Shooting one handed duelist at 10 yards, it's dead on. 

As for how the front sight is on, first, who made the gun? Uberti? Peitta? Original Remington - if so don't you DARE touch it! :D The frame isn't turned, the barrel is turned slightly, as it is screwed in. 

This is mine;

An Uberti Remington New Model Army, "1858" with the Howell 45 Colt conversion cylinder and a whopping HUGE load of fun!  The front sight is dovetailed in, and can be filed down if need be, or replaced - I recommend a gunsmith do this. Mine was perfect out of the box. 

Yes, the barrel is screwed in, but turning it might be a little tight, as there isn't much flash gap with the Howell conversion cylinder already. and bringing it back might cause some serious binding. If you get a replacement shorter front sight, you could also ask the gunsmith to bend it over slightly to compensate. 

Hope that helps!


On the Line 7 12 24.jpg

Edited by Dapper Dave
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I have Piettas as well with Kirst Konverters. I shoot 200 gr RNFP and mine shoots high as well. I just lower my point of aim as the front sight is soldered on. Since it is shooting high, you would need a TALLER front sight to bring the groupings down. I suppose you could deepen the rear groove but, in my opinion, not worth it.

I aim at the lower half of the targets and, at Cowboy distances, its fine. I do not notice mine is hitting left or right of center.

Edited by The Rainmaker, SASS #11631
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