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SPF~Boomstick Ruger Montado hammers/short stroke

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I have a pair of Boomstick Montado Hammers and matching triggers. The Hammers are jeweled. These will drop in your gun eliminating the transfer bar and giving you 1/2 cock. I will also include the short stroke pawls and bolts. These may or may not work in your gun. They worked in a 3 different guns I had, but wouldn't  work in one of my friends gun.

$300 shipped.


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For New or old model as I'm not sure if they'll interchange. I understand that the hand is different. Thanks

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These came out of NMV, and that's what I tried them in. It's been a while but I believe the only difference in the hand is the tail. OMV don't have it, and we grind them off the NMV.

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