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Mauser Letter.

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A coupla weeks ago, I mentioned that I had found a place that provides something akin to a "factory letter" for Mauser pistols.  The cost is 50 Euros, and there is a discount if you get more than one.   Some folks warned me to be cautious, and I would like to add some info for your consideration.

First, the place that offers this is found here...



Second, I am sure that many of us have heard of Simpsons LTD, a gun dealer out in Galesburg, Illinois.  I have bought a few things from them over the years, and they seem to be a reputable place.  Some of there stuff is expensive, but you can find good deals there as well.  Among other things, they do Luger appraisals.  



Of note is the link to the Mauser Parabellum Certification Service.  This site is connected to the Paul Mauser Archive listed above.

All of that seems to me to suggest that this is a legitimate thing.  

Anyway, I decided to pull the trigger, so to speak, and I got back the first letter for one of my Broomhandles yesterday.  Among other things, the did ask me to provide pictures of my pistols, so I sent them some, being sure to highlight any and all markings I could find on the guns.   Anyway, it seems that SOME records of the pistols made by Mauser do survive.  They sent me a very nice 9 page PDF document that incorporates a couple of the pics I sent them, as well, as whatever info they can provide.  Among other things, based on the records they have they were able to tell me that my pistol was made in either 1933 or 1934.  They seem to have some info on serial number ranges, but not necessarily information on specific numbers.   They also explained what some of the features on my pistol indicate with regard to manufacture, the name of the person in charge of the factory when my pistol was made, what some of the markings on it mean, as well as the generic history of the model.  There are also photocopies of relevant lines from some of their ledgers that probably relate to when my pistol was sold.   (I found myself thinking that much of this was very similar to some of the generic details that S&W puts into their letters along with the serial number specifics that they can provide.)  There are also some copies of period adds and other generic stuff.

All in all, I think it's a very satisfying product.  It might not have a lot of specifics, but it does have a lot of good general info that I was not aware of.  One that surprised me was that my specific model was one that was modified to accept a detachable magazine.  Most of them did not have it, but the mods were made to the model itself, so it would apparently work with one, if I could fine the correct one for it.  It all makes for good documentation for the collection.   I am looking forward to the letters on my other Broomhandle and my two Lugers.   (Total cost to me was 110 Euros, so you can see the amount of discount.)

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I was one of the ones warning you and I am extremely glad to hear your news. This is excellent news for Mauser collectors. Thank you!

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