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Further to Marshal Mo Hare's Australian WWII thread yesterday

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Further to Marshal Mo Hare's Australian WWII thread yesterday -


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fremantle_submarine_base#:~:text=During the war%2C 127 US,416 patrols during the war.


"For a short time towards the end of 1942 the major Submarine Force was based in Brisbane. Over the period 1942-45 both Royal Navy and U.S. Navy were active from Brisbane into the Pacific Ocean and beyond. U.S. submarines undertook 60 war patrols in 1942, another 60 in 1943, 39 in 1944, reducing to 2 in 1945.

During the war in Western Australia, 127 US submarines operated from Fremantle, carrying out 353 patrols. Additionally, ten Dutch submarines also operated out of Fremantle and, from August 1944, British submarines also started operating from the base. Altogether, submarines based in Fremantle accounted for 416 patrols during the war".


Some excellent reading I can highly recommend are -


Sink 'em All - Charles Lockwood

Wahoo - Dick O'Kane

Thunder Below - Eugene Fluckey

Clear the Bridge - Dick O'kane 

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my wifes father operated  in  subs from austrailia during korea and VN , not sure what base yet - im just getting started on his records and stuff - i have most of what he left of his service record , im trying to put it all in order so it can join my fathers and get passed on to the kids so they dont forget , there s so much in this accumulation that its overwhelming as he was carrier navy and served on so many boats and in so many places , my fathers was easier as his was just WWII and only on one plane , 


ive got a lot of display things to deal with too , they are way too nice not to be seen , 

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