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Okay that first one when they was cutting the bread. When they first moved over those giant pieces of bread I was waiting to see what the sandwich was going to look like.  B) Then they sliced it. That was neat.


But the next video down, where they were baking it in that pit oven. Wow. :D

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I needed something, don't recall what, but I had two others of a three piece set.  I told the guy at the store I'd take three of them.  He asked why, because I already told him I had two already.  I said that with God as my witness I'll likely lose at least one in the years to come if I only bought one, but if I bought three I'd probably never need the extras and besides, I'd like to look down as my kids were going through my things after I die and ask "Why do you suppose that crazy old fart had all of these?"......and I did that with most little stuff I'd need from time to time.

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