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"Theme" shoots and how to enjoy them.

H. K. Uriah, SASS #74619

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As often as not, the bigger shoots often have a "theme" of some sort.  I have found that sometimes it can be fun to try to tailor your shooting to the theme in some way.   The most "elaborate" theme I ever tried to fit was a regional shoot that had the theme based on old gunfighter ballads.   Each stage had a description that was based on an old song of that type.   In going a bit overboard, I used different guns on each stage to match the song in some way.  For example, on the stage based on "El Paso," I loaded the last round in my rifle with black powder to create "the white puff of smoke from the rifle."  For the song on "Big Iron," which was before I made my own, I used a Walker and a Buntline.  For "Back in the Saddle Again,"  I used a pair of antique .44-40's to match the line, "Totin' my Old .44."  For Ringo, the line, "The deadly .44" inspired me to use .44 Magnums on that stage.   And so on and so forth.    Now admittedly, that's overkill.   I would not expect anyone to go to that kind of an effort.

But on the other hand, if the shoot had a theme based on the movie "Winchester 73," I'd most likely use my 73.  If it were based on the TV show The Rifleman, it'd be my large loop 92.   It occurs to me that there may be a way to "fit" the theme of the shoot in a variety of ways.   If not a specific gun, maybe a special costume, or costume accessory.   

Finding a way to match the theme should not get you any kind of a bonus, but maybe those who made the effort could get their picture taken as a group, or a cheap sort of momento to commemorate the effort.

Just a random thought.    Gotta have something to do while off work for chemo.  :)

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