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wtb S & W 686

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I'd like a 6 shot S & W 686. but before i buy would like to find out if there is a size or weight difference between the 6 and 7 shot model. i want a 4 inch barrel. one of the first guns i carried as an officer was a 686, but my hips would not hold it up being how I'm built but i still miss the pistol. feeling a little nostalgic i guess.


just a four inch since that is what i carried. 4 inch was as heavy as a boat anchor as it was. had a real hard time keeping my pants up, but the recoil was just right.


Trigger MIke,


I have one but had not really thought of selling it. Funny enough it has a similar history to your old one in that it was the personally owned duty gun of the guy who was in charge of the campus police force at the first college I worked for. He sold it to me when he decided his force would go to 9s and he needed the money to buy his.


Like I said, I hadn't really thought of selling but what kind of money were you thinking?




hadn't fully researched what a used one is worth. a new one at Cabelas is 799. they are often high so it is hard to tell for a used one.


Well, I haven't looked into it either and Iike I said, I hadn't thought about selling. I'm going to let it go at this point.


Good luck.


Sorry Trigger Mike. I was not clear, I meant to say I was going to drop the idea and hold on to the 686. I wish you luck.


Trigger Mike , check out the Equipment Exchange on AR15.com. It is kinda like these classifieds , stuff for sale. I have seen 686 and 586 S&Ws over there before.

Good luck , Rex :D


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