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Playing Cowboy and Indian?

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Larsen, here is one of if not THE top Indian restoreres and info/parts source in the country: Jerry Greer at https://www.jerrygreersengineering.com/catalog.php


Then again, you could always race it with us: the American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association (AHRMA). We have classes for both "Pre-War" and "Class C Handshift".


We have several Indians racing with us - Ralph Wessel ran his 37 Scout with us last weekend at Willow Springs CA, and again this Tursday/Friday at Sonoma Raceway (the old Sears Point).


Folks love to see them on the track! We have had as many as 28 Indian and Harley handshifters on the track at one time (Daytona a few years ago when the Aussies came over to play with a few of their own).


Good luck with your labor of love!



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  • 4 months later...

Right now it is completely dismanteld and sitting in boxes. I'm remodeling the garage so I can put AC in. Was over 120 degrees out there a lot of days!

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There used to be a shop in Boulder CO that did nothing but restore old Indians. I will drive out there this week to his old shop and see if he is still in business. You can never have enough contacts when you retore an old bike. I had a 1958 Ariel Square Four for about twenty years and traded it off for a 60's corvette. Not sure I got the best of that deal. Will let you know what I find out. Enjoy your project. Diamond Curly

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