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Grizz I am callin' ya out

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Hey Grizz

How did your shoot go ? We did the first WB side match at the club today , and it seemed to go over well . Had 19 shooters for the match , and 12 stayed for the side match . I was glad to get it done ,we have spent a lot of time and energy to get it started .

I managed to pull off a CLEAN MATCH for the first time in a couple of years , it wernt pretty but I got it done .


See ya down the trail



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CB, I didn't go, Miz Grizz reminded me we had a potluck after church, and heck, you've seen me, I don't pass up vittles very often. After that I had to go up to my mom's to help her with some stuff.


Congrats on the clean match, always nice when those come around.



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Can ya even see the targets in all that white stuff ?

Down south we shoot year round but it has been a callange to get a shoot in with the snow and ice .

Today was pretty nice , only overcast and spitting a touch of rain , wirh a little wind .





Deys always other colors of spary paint.....




I just don't git it . :unsure:

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