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Trouble with MEC Super 600 SG press?

Kid Kneestone SASS #14851

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I purchased a used MEC Super 600 shotgun reloading press from a close friend recently. After reloading 6 boxes of 12 ga shells I began to have trouble seating the primers. They lack about 1/32" of seating completely into the shell base. I called MEC tech service and checked several items he suggested including the length of the primer seating rod and spring tension on the primer seating tube. So far I still have the same difficulty.


Any suggestions from someone who may have had the same problem?


Much obliged for any assistance.


Kid Kneestone

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I don't know what the difference of the super model is but I would think if you unscrewed the ram for priming and placed a washer or 2 on top of it, it should seat all the way. Different hulls are thinner at the base than other brands Federal is one that seems to have greater volume. Gary

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It sounds like something is preventing the press from going fully to the bottom of the stroke. Make a careful check to make sure there isn't some obstruction causing it not to fully cycle. Sometimes a piece of lead shot will find a spot that causes this to happen.

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