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Trying to recall part of a joke

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There's a joke about a not-too-bright fella (in Texas, we call them Aggies), who's called in to take a three-question oral exam in order to graduate.


The first question is: How many days of the week start with "T?" He answers "Four... Tuesday, Thursday, today, and tomorrow."


The last question is "How many "D's" are there in Dixie?" After considerable thought, he finally replies, "463... DDDDDDDDDDDD... (singing the song)."


My question is, what is the middle question?


Thanks, in advance. I'm guessing someone will come up with it in less than an hour.


Regards, TJH

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PWB... you da man!!! I thought it had something to do with months, but couldn't pull it out of my poor, old, tired mind.


Thank you, sir!


Regards, TJH


Yer welcome!

I musta heard that one fairly recently somewheres...partial recall kicked in.


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