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Everything posted by PowderRiverCowboy

  1. See you did know it https://www.google.com/search?q=songs+that+get+stuck+in+your+head&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS1033US1033&oq=&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgEEEUYOxjCAzIJCAAQRRg7GMIDMgkIARBFGDsYwgMyCQgCEEUYOxjCAzIJCAMQRRg7GMIDMgkIBBBFGDsYwgMyCQgFEEUYOxjCAzIJCAYQRRg7GMIDMgkIBxBFGDsYwgPSAQk2Njk3MmowajeoAgiwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#vhid=blQBS8VxOiWRSM&vssid=l
  2. You don't have too you already know them well
  3. Here what it really is
  4. Netflix lost any credibility with it's Pedo pride agenda . "Historical "based on what leftist storyline they want you to believe .
  5. Well thats almost a car , Kind of like catching your 8 year old sister coming out of the shower . Not much to see and didn't want to see it.
  6. I do it all the time , My kids can shoot everything I own . and Personally Think its a good idea to train with what you are bringing to a gun fight and well the cowboy guns just add some fun to a day at the range . Besides when is it not a good day to go out and touch grass and spend some range time ?
  7. Sounds like a new song thread Songs you cant get out of your head for the day You Are Welcome
  8. Don’t make us have to fall in with the new boots
  9. My Father in Law did the Cable / wiring for all the Nike sites here , So that was a ongoing tease.
  10. But you guys Lost what 6 including flying one from Minot to texas and leaving unsecured over a weekend ? And we havent used one since 1945
  11. Yep and my old Targeter keeps us well posted , Like the potential revolt happening right now in Cuba to a known Hezbollah was captured in El Paso with a plot to bomb NYC on the 12TH and the US Military being kicked out of Niger effective now .
  12. Yep my old Targeter let me know this Friday, Good reason to always plan to self rescue . Funny how you dont see much about it on the news . Aderbis Segundo Pirela, 28, was arrested in New Braunfels yesterday, He was wanted in at least 4 murders, and was on Interpol’s top 10 most wanted, along with Colombia’s most wanted list, LE sources say. U.S. Immigration Customs and Enforcement, or ICE, said in a statement that Pirela first entered the United States lawfully on Jan. 2, near Eagle Pass. U.S. Border Patrol arrested him near El Paso that same day and issued a notice to appear. On Jan. 5, Border Patrol issued Pirela an order of recognizance and released him from their custody. Gualdron said both U.S. and Colombian authorities were working together to track Pirela. https://news4sanantonio.com/news/local/sources-interpol-most-wanted-fugitive-captured-near-san-antonio-tied-to-4-murders
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