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Eliphalet R. Moderator

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Everything posted by Eliphalet R. Moderator

  1. Members are being scammed by outsiders (not even Wire members) pretending to be the seller and having the payment sent to them via Paypal Communicate by PM. No one can see your private messages except you and the seller. Check your public profile and delete your contact information if you have added it. Don't put any of these in public profile or a post: email address phone number address Take these basic steps to protect yourself!
  2. Please!! It's still happening. Another member has been scammed by outsiders (not even Wire members) pretending to be the seller and having the payment sent to them via Paypal Communicate by PM. No one can see your private messages except you and the seller. Check your public profile and delete your contact information if you have added it. Don't put any of these in a post: email address phone number address Take these basic steps to protect yourself!
  3. Please!! It's still happening. Another member has been scammed by outsiders (not even Wire members) pretending to be the seller and having the payment sent to them via Paypal Communicate by PM. No one can see your private messages except you and the seller. Check your public profile and delete your contact information if you have added it. Don't put any of these in a post: email address phone number address Take these basic steps to protect yourself!
  4. Just happened again. Someone from NJ tried to hijack a payment due a Texas pard, and send the check to someone else in Tennessee. Make sure your email and phone numbers are not in your public profile.
  5. It's still happening!! I wish we could get the word out to everyone. But, few people read these pinned posts.
  6. Your email address is hidden from the outside world by default. If you add it again to your public profile, you are opening yourself up to scammers. Stop it! Don't post your e-mail address within threads. Use the Private Message feature!
  7. It's happened again! Despite the Security Notice we posted, despite posting it here. Your e-mail addresses are hidden from the outside world by default. But, many have added their email addresses again under "contact methods" or somewhere else in your public profile. If you have done that, scammers can reach out, pretending to be the seller and an unwary buyer sends the money to the scammer by mistake. Deal through PMs or directly via phone, unless you are very sure of the seller's email address. Never pay for guns via Paypal Friends & Family, or any other venue that does not support firearm transactions!!
  8. Buyers been hit by a flurry of scam e-mails from an address with "Intersport Performance" in the name, pretending to be the seller, attempting to hijack the payment. If you have your e-mail address added to your profile under "contact methods", delete it! Deal with PMs or double-check the address of an e-mail sender.
  9. If you are buying or selling items on the Classified Forum, check your profile and delete your email address if you added it under any of the "Contact Methods" or any other place in your public profile. You are making yourself a target for scammers. They do not have to be Wire Members to see your email address and try to rip you off.
  10. If you are buying or selling items on the Classified Forum, check your profile and delete your email address if you added it under any of the "Contact Methods". You are making yourself a target for scammers. They do not have to be Wire Members to see your email address and try to rip you off.
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  11. "Charlie120" banned. Guest pointing WTB ads towards a 3rd Party non-member.
  12. I just needed to hear this one tonight.
  13. "Hollet" banned. 3rd Party scam.
  14. If you DO get scammed, besides reporting the fraud to the police at that person's location. File a complaint on the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) web site.
  15. He's already been banned. His name sounds familiar don't it? He started as Jason Perry, then he was PerryJS, (there was another iteration that I've forgotten at the moment), and now Perry Jason. All using the third-party scam. We ban the obvious ones in our daily vetting of new Wire Members. But, a quick report from y'all gets it done faster. Keep on the lookout for the next mole to be whacked!
  16. Yep, he made up a new name. He's been PerryJS, JSPerry, and other iterations. This time Jason SP. Banned. Thanks for the heads up! He uses a Proxy/VPN service to disguise his real location; but seems to originate near Lagos? Typical 3rd Party Scam.
  17. dhqlyahf1 from Karachi has been banned, and his posts deleted. I did not open his Valentine's attachment. Who knows what that could do? Just don't open attachments. Don't do it.
  18. We keep saying it and have even made several threads about it in the past. If you get a private message in response to your WTB ad, from someone you do not know. Especially a non-SASS member, ASK us first. We'll be glad to check them out for you. We can see where they are posting from. We can tell you if they are using a VPN to hide their location. We can tell you if they are from India or Nigeria. We can tell you if they seem to be another identity of a past scammer. Ask questions! Scammers usually don't last long, but in their 1 or 2-hour life on the Wire, they will steal what money they can. Hit and run. Whack-a-mole. Be careful out there!
  19. Darnell626 banned. Third Party sales.
  20. For my niece, gone too soon. We love you and miss you, sweet Melissa.
  21. Banned. Unsolicited PMs from non-SASS members, referring you to buy from an unknown 3rd party, is the classic scam. Don't fall for it!
  22. "VictorH" has also been banned. But, I expect we'll see him back under another alias, doing the 3rd party trick.
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