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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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Everything posted by Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

  1. From Harbor Freight: https://www.harborfreight.com/10mm-metric-essential-socket-set-10-piece-58957.html
  2. And when he can't spell it, he just blames OTTO.
  3. Then you'd be like most of the rest of the workforce.
  4. Blackwater my friend, I think that I've gotten to know fairly well over the years, or at least as well as one can with someone he's never actually met. And I think that if you just let Schoolmarm know that you're there for her, as you have been, she'll be happy.
  5. Ya know, I WAS going to post some pics that would make you regret that, but I decided not to. Merry Christmas.
  6. My wife and I don't have any kin that we speak to save our daughter, (34, no offspring), and her husband. We get them a few things that they need or might want. Last month I made a new wood bench for our back yard to replace the falling apart old one. A very simple design, just 2X4s and 2X6s painted with deck paint. Our daughter asked for the old one for her yard, but it was so falling apart that I almost didn't need tools to disassemble it. So I made her a similar sized bench constructed like ours. She's very happy with that. For Thanksgiving we just had a turkey loaf, small ham, (they both work for a grocery store and get them free), smashed taters, veggies, rolls and such. No big spread, just enough for the four of us, and will do the same for Christmas. For Christmas Eve., however, I'm making my spaghetti. That's a tradition I started 40 years ago when I used to go home on Leave from The Marine Corps. My adopted Mother in Jacksonville N.C. made a spaghetti sauce so good that I had to try it myself. My Mom had always made it, but Edie added so much to it that made it even better, so when I figured out that I could use Prego as a base for my sauce, my Dad wanted to know what my Mom did with the money that Prego paid her for the recipe. It became a tradition for me to make it for them when I went home on Leave, which was usually Christmas, that it became MY tradition for Christmas Eve. Even though they're long gone, I still make it for my family now. I guess that while we don't do, as Warden said, a Norman Rockwell Christmas, and it's not THAT big of a deal, we still do Christmas.
  7. Two that come to mind are the one showing the guy who drives the snow plow driving through the new fallen snow to get TO the plow, And the one where they drive one into the water to show that they float.
  8. I just keep my movies in the bottom drawer in the entertainment center, title up. I don't have enough TO organize in any particular format. 😁
  9. Yet now, they're expensive as all get out. They're like Jeep CJs: Either a "project", busted to heck, missing parts, or a pile of rust, OR "restored" and worth a LOT of Money.
  10. I can kind of understand that IF it's late at night. My father used to go pick up a pizza in his jammies and a robe. But it WAS around Midnight when he did so.
  11. Send that cat to Jersey!
  12. That's why Editors get paid. When I wrote my book, my punctuation was so bad that I had to pay my Editrix extra. Though she did say that she had to make fewer changes for content than just about anything else she'd done.
  13. "Oblivion" and "Edge of Tomorrow" were both good. But he REALLY kicked butt in "Top Gun Maverick".
  14. I learned that in The Marines. If you look like you deserve respect, you get respect. If you look like crap, you get treated like crap.
  15. I'll just BET you do!
  16. I guarantee you that the women who would dress like that are NOT the ones you want to see in them.
  17. Just another indication of societal downfall. It annoys me so much that I rarely go out in just a T-shirt unless it's because I'm in the middle of a project and have to go to the hardware store because I need something, or going through the McD's or BK drive thru. In hot weather it's a polo type shirt, jeans and boots, cooler weather, long sleeve button up shirt, jeans, boots, and Cowboy Hat. I don't even OWN shorts or flip flops.
  18. They just need to establish "Gun Free Zones". It should work like this:
  19. He's British. It doesn't matter what they think. We proved that 248 years ago.
  20. These people get paid Millions of Dollars to play dress up and make believe, and that's fine. I don't begrudge them any of that. And yes, they are welcome to their opinions and have every right to share them. However, they don't just share them, they try to tell the rest of us that OUR opinions are wrong, and that we should listen to THEM. That's where I draw the line. They, nor anybody else have the right to tell me that their opinions are the ones that matter, just because of who they are . Maybe I'm wrong, maybe not. But that's on ME. I know what I think, and I have no problem telling anybody else what that is, but I'll never tell them WHAT to think. And when somebody that I used to respect does so, (yes I'm referring to Sam Elliot, he made his opinion clear in the 2020 election), I have the right to NOT spend my hard earned money paying them for anything that they do. Of course I understand that 98% of the entertainment world is hardcorps Leftist. But as long as they don't try to use their celebrity to push their Leftist agenda, I don't care. Like the Dixie Twits were told, "Shut up and sing".
  21. I remember that episode. While I've never been a teacher, I hope that some of those that I've known through the years might have been influenced in a positive way by me. I don't know that any of us can ask for more.
  22. Respectfully Forty, I must disagree. The memory is the second thing to go.
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