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Everything posted by Alpo

  1. Interesting experiment. Some time back I was down to the bottom of a sack of tortilla chips, and it was all just little bitty pieces and crumbs, and I got this brilliant idea. I put all the pieces in a ziplock bag, and then I crushed it up real fine with a rolling pin. Stuck it in the freezer so it would not go bad. And I planned to use it as a thickener if my chili was too runny. I was thinking like massMASA. So tonight I saw that the chili was a little runny, and I got it out of the freezer and busted it all up and put it in the chili. Stirred it in and let it cook for a few more hours (I make my chili in a crock pot). It added the very distinct tortilla chip flavor to the chili. I was not expecting that. Thinking about it now, I certainly should have expected it, but I didn't. Still -- it was pretty good.
  2. Caramel? I figgered that was punkin. Especially with the whipped cream exhaust.
  3. "Hey, watch this"? "Hold my beer"? "You dumb ****!"?
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