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Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

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Everything posted by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

  1. But is it CAS legal? Meanwhile, back in Australia:
  2. No empty comment and no bill or hillary
  3. Keeping a close eye on Findlay Creek beside my place. The melt is underway and sometimes debris blocks the creek channel. We have to keep an eye on things, especially after discovering the mental giants working for the Wetlands area raised the berm on the wetlands side higher than the berm on the road and house side. Now get off my soggy lawn clover.
  4. I remember my parents having one of those toasters. Mom swore it made the best toast, while Dad swore at it. When the Base Exchange brought in pop-up toasters, he was first in line!
  5. I don't know what the problem is. He should just get a cow.
  6. Remembering Petawawa and the BOQs
  7. I gut at the kill site and take the fruits of the hunt back to my buddy's house. (Year round home on a lake) I leave the gut pile for the crows, ravens. politicians and other scavengers. We have our own equipment, so we cut, weigh, wrap and freeze our own. As with our moose. we have found we get a lot more meat from an animal than when we used commercial cutters around here. When we did moose, often two or three, even our wives pitched in to help weigh and wrap. Good times!
  8. I skin deer when I get them on the chainfall and hook, while they are still warm. I find it quicker and easier and they cool faster. Moose, I leave the hide on until we get them home.
  9. Made it to the range yesterday, (Friday) but our Cowboy range was still mostly snowed in. Where the frontend loader tried to clear things for the February and March matches, the sun had melted the snow and left it very muddy. Too muddy. The rest of the range still had hip high snow and drifts covering the target array. (We keep them up after each match for Pards to practice on!) Checked out the cabin thought about firing up the wood stove, them decided to go shoot in the other bays, giving the S&W, Rugers and Glocks a work out. They all went BANG! Let's leave it at that OK? Blizzarding here right now with BIG flakes the weather liar is saying will turn to rain or freezing rain. OH GOODY! Now get off the dad burn lawn! And that's another thing! The sidewalk plow operators don't seem to know the corner sidewalk is a curve, not a right angle. Now I have almost 2 feet of what was lawn, (OK, Clover) dug up and pushed back. GRUMP! Oh well, I still have a big bag of white clover seed left and MAN! Does it ever choke out the weeds!! Green too.
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