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Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129

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Everything posted by Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129

  1. Dear Ole Forty: Yes, the they need to be awoken Up, a swift kick in the rear just maybe what is needed. And in person voting with ID checked, Instead of Voting Machines . Jabez Cowboy
  2. Grandchildren are payment for not killing your kids... I have 9,,,Age 5 and younger... and one more on the way... Jabez Cowboy
  3. Well what are all da Grumps up to ,,,, Besides Sleeping...
  4. Never was a Tax, they didn't like ...
  5. Howdy all ye Grumps and ner-do -wells: Page 5,,,, Sorry I haven't been Keeping up with these posts, I have been taking a Course On-line at our Bible college, 6 weeks of intense learning. A semester compressed into 6 weeks... Well Grump on! Jabez Cowboy
  6. I would have headed to the head to loose my lunch... Jabez Cowboy
  7. I don't Know any Toddler as Stupid as that thing... Jabez Cowboy
  8. We can still make a difference in our World, through Prayer and Voting, we still out number them ... Coffee for the Grumps hay for the Steads, no snow left... Jabez Cowboy
  9. I guess 24% were not Liberals... Jabez Cowboy
  10. Sad! but true... Grump on! Jabez Cowboy
  11. DDD ya Shootin this year or just Grumpin? Jabez Cowboy
  12. BTT; For ole DDD Even a Blind Squirrel finds an Acorn now and Then... Jabez Cowboy
  13. Don't they shoot old crippled mules? The feller I was talking to is way better looking than you, and taller with a beard... Jabez Cowboy
  14. And only a Few of these Critters are ever prosecuted, Why? Grump On ... Jabez Cowboy
  15. I didn't think I was ever going to make him confess that Ole DDD was his brother-in-law... I had about used up all my Interrogation tactic's, then I tricked him by turning to, was Barn Sweeper his Brother-in-law that was his un-doing, since I already Knew all about Barn Sweepers ferriferous Clan... Jabez Cowboy Beating the truth of the rotten Gangs one by one
  16. Hey Triple D; I hear you are a bit Wobbly, of late... Met a Bearded Man that after I questioned him about How He knew You , Well to make along story a little shorter... I interrogated, tortured, and threatened his life, he finally admitted you were his brother-in-law... He admitted that Barn Sweeper was his Brother-in-Law with-out the need of torturing him... Jabez Cowboy
  17. So very sadly True... Pretty freaky... Now git often da Lawn!!! And Keep da younkers of too... Jabez Cowboy
  18. Can anyone say Entitled Fools... The Clowns are running the Show .... A week ago in was Ridding My Shadow, now I have a Foot of Snow... Grump! Jabez Cowboy Jabez Cowboy
  19. And off they go to Bombmakers 3.0... Throat slitting 2.0 Slice an dice Canadians Jabez Cowboy
  20. The emergency Act was not fully brought into effect, it still required a final yes vote... Which never happened... But Brainless used it anyway to trample the rights of the citizens, then he used mounted Cops to trample little old Ladies with Walkers.... Jabez Cowboy
  21. Too much Snow ... Grump Grump GRUMP .... Jabez Cowboy
  22. If it snow much more here I will get out my Big Shovel,,,, One the front of my 75 Horse Tractor... Jabez Cowboy
  23. +1 F here now expecting a foot of snow By 9 PM... Stay Warm, And Safe All Ya Grumps.... Jabez Cowboy
  24. Ya Need a Hot Stove and Java... Jabez Cowboy
  25. Well Winter is Here.... Jabez Cowboy
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