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Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

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Everything posted by Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

  1. ...... especially around late-ish December .... 🙃
  2. "strine" is actually more the Australian spoken language (in ALL it's dialects) 🙃
  3. ..... that might be because it's broken ........ 😇
  4. to win a medal, ....... why else 😉 no, I don't consider it a sport; it's dancing that's broken ....... 🤐
  5. ....... along similar lines ...... https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=315ef5ba6fa173f0JmltdHM9MTcyMzU5MzYwMCZpZ3VpZD0yNzllZjBkZC0zYTY0LTZmZjYtMjlmNS1lNDc3M2I5ZTZlM2UmaW5zaWQ9NTUwOQ&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=279ef0dd-3a64-6ff6-29f5-e4773b9e6e3e&psq=there+was+a+redback+on+the+toilet+seat+song&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g_dj04NHk2U2pUSHVzTQ&ntb=1
  6. .......... and it wasn't even "dazzling" ........ 🙃
  7. break dancing is not a sport; .... it's dancing that's broken ........ <cringe> the guy in blue ....... his shirt says it all ...... <cringe> now, that guy from Turkey, ..... he's cool 😁
  8. OK I won't ..... ...... now, tell me why .... 🙃
  9. Wilson ? ....... wasn't he "Tim the Toolman Taylor"'s neighbour 🙃
  10. Are you an adult? ........... you ask that question on THIS forum ? 🙃
  11. ......................... are you sure ? 🙃
  12. the olympics was on ? ..... when did that happen ??? 🙃
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