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Rye Miles #13621

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Everything posted by Rye Miles #13621

  1. I carry a 637 with .38 spl Hornady Critical Defense. I prefer the hammer. It’s an easy gun to carry. The 642 is a good choice by Trump I’ll get he does carry one.
  2. We have a club here that does indoor shoots. Keeps you limber and its trigger time.
  3. Oh, PA, So.Carolina, Michigan, Kentucky, W.Virginia
  4. Okay I’ll be the odd man out here but I can’t stand sauerkraut, the smell alone makes me want to vomit 🤮 😂 I’ll take the Reuben sandwich and fries though but hold the pickles also 🙄😂
  5. I hear all the action was with the girls, Serrano Taylor fight
  6. He supposedly got 20 million, Paul got 40 million!
  7. I don't know from what I've heard of him he seems like an okay guy. Tyson fits that description better than Paul. IMHO
  8. I don't know why the hate against Paul. He's a young fighter with a 11-1 record. Tyson, I agree never liked him at all!
  9. Poor old man got beat up by a youngster!!😂😂 https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/boxing/2024/11/15/mike-tyson-jake-paul-live-updates-highlights/76266132007/
  10. I always return the cart, it’s a little extra excercise 😂😂
  11. MONKEY UPDATE : https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/nation/2-more-escaped-monkeys-recaptured-and-enjoying-peanut-butter-and-jelly-sandwiches-in-south-carolina/?fbclid=IwY2xjawGkIx1leHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHe_uCYDBk06ujR8etWun5r30M5jBRYjnZh0wdPaEEuQ-HoAcc1MnhYm77g_aem_2c7_49IZsUYfqTyA05w-rw
  12. It’s probably better than that Days Inn in Fremont!! Thanks, maybe I’ll buy a new sleeping bag!!😂
  13. The last time I stayed in a Days Inn was about 5 years ago! I was at a cowboy shoot. Never again! It stunk like cigarettes, the carpet was stained and the walls didn’t look too good. I had no choice but to stay it was only for one night. Luckily the bed looked okay and no bed bugs!🙄Never again! Days Inn is off my list!
  14. 1969?? SASS was around then??
  15. I think it’s useless weapon! I’d much rather go with a revolver!🤠
  16. We got rid of the political commercials only to be taken over by those annoying Medicare commercials!😡😡🙄
  17. My family is practically all Italian and we don’t use our hands half as much as these tv political pundits!🙄
  18. I thought this was gonna be about GOAT like Greatest Of All Time! I was gonna say ME!!!😂😂
  19. The hand movements I’m seeing by the talking heads are not side effects because they all do it!
  20. How about a Glockenspiel or a Xylophone ? Fun instruments. I played a Vibraphone which is much larger and has a sustain pedal. Example: Lionel Hampton.
  21. Yea good observation, I agree it’s mostly the political pundits waving their hands all over the place!🙄
  22. Have you noticed all the talking heads on news shows using their hands more than normal? https://duckduckgo.com/?t=h_&q=people+talking+with+their+hands&iax=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D4_gbYySfd48&ia=videos
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