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Rye Miles #13621

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Status Replies posted by Rye Miles #13621

  1. I saw that Johnny Meadows has listed a couple JM Marlin 1894s on Gunbroker.

    1. Rye Miles #13621

      Rye Miles #13621

      I don't deal with gunbroker! Thanks anyway!

  2. Tex doesn't like me posting prayer requests for him on the SASS Wire so please keep this one private.


    A message from Cat:


    "Tex in hospital with very bad infection-sepsis. Is in critical care unit in Pres downtown. Thought u should no. Cat"

    1. Rye Miles #13621

      Rye Miles #13621

      Prayers are on the way, my sister suffered with sepsis I know how awful it can be! Godspeed his recovery!

  3. Rye:

     hope you don't mind me pestering you and you don't have to respond if it's too big a pain but I know you are/were a long time 44-40 guy and I had some questions.


    First I see you've gone 38/357 any particular reason or just cost and such.

    I just picked up a pair of 44-40's and while I haven't shot them I think they balance better than any 45 or 38 for sure.

    I also see i will HAVE to load for them.

    Are 44-40's as big a pain to load for as I've been led to believe?

    Any insights would be greatly appreciated.



    Dutch aka Nick

    1. Rye Miles #13621

      Rye Miles #13621

      Some guys will say to use a profile crimp die with the .44-40, I used a Lee factory crimp die. When I shot black I never had a problem with the crimp since I filled the case with powder almost to the top. The problem I had was when I went to smokeless. For the most part everything was fine but just that occasional round would slip in and ruin the day!! Driftwood Johnson and Larsen Pettifogger are both really knowledgable about loading for this round.



    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Rye:

     hope you don't mind me pestering you and you don't have to respond if it's too big a pain but I know you are/were a long time 44-40 guy and I had some questions.


    First I see you've gone 38/357 any particular reason or just cost and such.

    I just picked up a pair of 44-40's and while I haven't shot them I think they balance better than any 45 or 38 for sure.

    I also see i will HAVE to load for them.

    Are 44-40's as big a pain to load for as I've been led to believe?

    Any insights would be greatly appreciated.



    Dutch aka Nick

    1. Rye Miles #13621

      Rye Miles #13621

      Howdy Dutch, I shot .44-40 with nothing but black for 7-8years. 2 years ago I decided to go with smokeless because of the cost, cleaning and time spent loading BP. I experienced all kinds of problems with .44-40/smokeless. It is mainly the crimp. I would shoot rounds from my rifle no problem but then one of them the bullet would go back in the case!!! Why did all the rest work okay? I think it's the thin mouth on the .44-40 that doesn't always hold a crimp. I had many cracked cases also. I also had problems with rounds fitting in my Colts and Uberti revolvers. I had to resize many that didn't fit. Some did some didn't so I just resized all of them. What a pain in the neck!!! I went to .38's for cost, ease of loading and I aquired a really nice .357 Colt SAA so that got me off to the .38 world! I have a 73 Commanchero, a 66 Uberti, a couple Smoke Wagons, a Cattleman and the Colt all in .38 now. I can't believe how easy reloading is now! .38's are also really easy to shoot. My times are better. Good luck with your .44-40's, it's great round for black powder!!You just have to be very careful loading them.



    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Rye


    didn't see you post re your "pistolero" pins shoot me a pic and how much, etc


    my thanks

    Dutch aka Nick



    1. Rye Miles #13621

      Rye Miles #13621

      They pulled the post with the pics on it. I don't have any pics right now. I will take a few soon. Pins are $5.00 which includes a printed membership card with a "creed" on it and this includes shipping.


      You can send $$$ to:

      Tony Romano

      26173 Leslie Ave.

      Euclid,Ohio 44132

      (aka Rye Miles)

  6. Howdy Rye ;

    We need  to talk about pricing on these pins , it has been suggested 5 bucks each fine ,,, As on a order that price includes $39.95 for shipping for 15 pins ... I see no need to tack on an extra 15 bucks for Shipping, to Canada . Unless this is let's stick it to the Canucks  move ... I will gladly pay the 5 bucks per pin for lots of 15 pins drop shipped to me , it shouldn't  cost more than $15.00 or $20.00 bucks ... And our group can pocket a extra $ 1.50 +  per pin ... But if we really wanted to be fair Canadians you could help me keep the costs down for our Northern Pards, we could charge me $ 65.00 Shipped  to my location Sans bubble wrap and envelopes and still retain a larger profit for the Pistoleros' ... Then I could sell them at $5.00 bucks US to the Canadian pards ,I would not be making any money but that was never my intent...  Nor did I think it was ever the Intent of the group ....  I will however not try and sell these pins at 10 bucks each because of  extra shipping aqdded on top of shipping....


    Jabez Cowboy

    1. Rye Miles #13621

      Rye Miles #13621

      I think you'd better send an email to Dorado, he's in charge of ordering the pins and he never said anything to me about you Canuks!! I have no idea what shipping is to Canada!



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