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2024 Iowa / Nebraska State Shoot - Who's coming

Cactus Clark

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I figured I would start a new thread just for the who's coming, or at least who I have applications for.  I'm hoping many of you are coming just not got those apps in yet :):


Were currently at 54 shooters from 9 different states, and a ton of categories that could use a few more shooters.




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Wish I could make it...but circumstances prohibit it this year

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Here is what I have as of 5.20.  If you don't see your alias let us know, if you don't see your pards name let them know.  I don't have posse assignments yet.  The stages and book is completed.  I'm going to post that in the other thread so that they are both bumped to the top.



3 Deuce Cowhand   Gunslinger Grace     Platte Valley Kid
Alabama Bill   Hail Hot Mary     Popcorn Kelly
April Mae   Hairless     Praire Dog Pete
Badlands Charlie   Half Fast Len     Quick Draw Quent
Benton County Kid   High Ground     Rattlesnake Renae
Blood Thirsty Desperado   High Lonesome Drifter     RC Steelringer
Bob Wire   Irish Pete     Red Rider Ray
Boss Shamrock   Irish Tom     River Boat Red
Bristol Buck   JB Kidd     Round Rock
Bronco Terry   JD Henry     Rusty Hammer
Cactus Clark   Jiger Robb     Sandhills Dude
Cajun   John Wesley Hardin     Sassparilla Sadie
Capt. Jim Midnight   Kalamity Horseshoe     Sgt. Hampton
Cheyanne Cinder   Knuckle Buster     Shalako Wray
Chili Pepper Kid   La Bandita     Sheffey
Cooncan   Lead Ace     Six Killer US Marshal
Cowboy Colt   Lefty Madison     Slingin Sam
Cowboy Rick   Lil Chico     Speed Stevens
Crooked Creek   Little Hermana     Straight Arrow Hombre
Dandy   Long Fingers     Terry Lane
DB Belle   Lucky Shot Sassman     Three Shot Shamrock
Deadwood Kitty   Marshal Smiling Jim Justice     Toranado
Deuce  Stevens   Marti Draw     Tulse Tex
Dimpled Darling   Matt Black     Turkey Bob
Doc Horseshoe   Mean Mary     Two Wheel Tom
Doc Noper   Medicine Creek Johnny     Wes Beckett U.S. Marshal
Dusty Deputy   Memphis Raines     Whiskey Rick
Evil Fletch   Missalotta T     Wicker Nash
Flint Hills Dawg   Moonlit Rose     Willie Mescal
Flyin Shootist   No H Sara     Wymore Wrangler
Greasy Creek Slim   Patsy Montana      
Gunslinger Gal   Pit Mule      
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