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Kasparov v. Polgar

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You know that World Chess Champion G. Kasparov described the Hungarian player Polgár literally as: "a circus puppet" and said that women should stay at home taking care of the children.


Of course, Judit Polgár did not like this at all, Polgár had been making history by defeating the best players in record time, but even so she was not considered a "professional player".

Until 2002, in a world rapid chess tournament, where each game has a time of 25 minutes, Polgár managed to defeat G. Kasparov. It was the first time in history that a woman managed to defeat the number one in the world.

After the defeat, G. Kasparov was forced to apologize publicly. Admitting the superiority of the now new world champion.

"I was wrong about women playing chess, I gave an opinion a long time ago, which I don't believe anymore now."

Of course, they had to beat him first to get him to swallow their words.


As you may have noticed, the series "The Queen's Gambit" is based on the story of this player or at least takes a little bit of it to develop, if you haven't seen it, I recommend it!

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Judit Polgár is a Hungarian chess grandmaster, widely regarded as the strongest female chess player of all time. In 1991, Polgár achieved the title of Grandmaster at the age of 15 years and 4 months, at the time the youngest to have done so, breaking the record previously held by former world champion Bobby Fischer.

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