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This happened on the w-end, I was the TO.

Instructions say after shooting the pistols load one for the 10 second Bonus target..[ not a miss if missed ]

Shooter loads one which is a squib then loads the other pistol & hits  the bonus target..I did not stop him with the 2nd reload.

Now I 'm aware of the no alibi once the first shot leaves the barrel but in this instance I'm of the opinion that it is different..my thinking is as it is a bonus it wasn't correctly engaged..am I wrong ?

Looking forward to your views .........

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Shooter gets the bonus.



SASS matches above the club level are “no alibi” matches. Once the first round goes down range, the competitor is committed to the stage and must finish the stage to the best of his or her ability.

SHB p.21


Same as if the shooter had a squib in any revolver.
It is acceptable to reload the other functional revolver "as necessary" to finish the stage.

REF: QotM Archive 2005

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