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Today's school kids

Pulp, SASS#28319

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Since retirement from the paper mill I have been substitute teaching some. I kinda dreaded the first day or two, due to the horror stories I've heard about today's kids. But I have found that the students here in Durant, OK have been very well behaved, both in the middle school and high school. The majority of them still use antique words, such as "Sir".


I really don't see much difference between them and me back when I was a student. They dress a bit different, and their hairstyles are a LOT different, but they still have respect for teachers. Like me, they may not care much for some of the subjects, and they may not always pay attention, and they'd rather visit with each other than do their work.


I look around the class and can see that just like when I was a kid, there will be a few of the students not worth shooting, a few will become professionals in some field, and the majority will become solid citizens of this country.


Now I know that 5 or 6 days in various classrooms is not a scientific study, but I'm really not too worried about the next generation of adults.


Just thought I'd share this.

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