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My Military Pistol Collection Grows!

H. K. Uriah, SASS #74619

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If you want to collect US Military pistols, you have several options...


1. Genuine GI

2. Commercial version of GI pistol, made by same manufacturer at the same time as GI.

3. Genuine Foreign Military issue by same manufacturer.

4. Reproduction of GI version by original manufacturer.

5. Reproduction of GI version by someone else.


The above list is my personal order of preference. However, sometimes, for some pistols, options 1 through 4 might be prohibitively expensive, or extremely difficult to find at any price.


As of today, an important gap in my military pistol collection has been filled. I know have a GI Colt SAA.


No, Not a type 1. Those are just too expensive for me. I have long been looking for a "Colt SAA Centennial" revolver that was made by Colt in 1973, and set up like a genuine GI one, right down to the US on the frame. These, from what I have seen, are affordable, but rare. That would be what I call a type 4. But, no, that's not what I found either.


Rather, what I found today at a gunshow was a type 5, a reproduction of by someone else, made to the same specs as the GI version. I am now the happy owner of an EMF Hartford Model SAA made by Armi San Marco to GI specs. It's got a US stamped on the frame, a cartouche on the grip, and all the features are like what you'd see on a real GI Colt. Is it "real?" No. But is it a very good representation of a real one? Absotively!


This only my second Clone, but it is also my second ASM. I have to say that both times, I have found the quality of the pistol to be excellent. They compare quite favorably to my several real Colts The pistol itself is in excellent condition, the timing is perfect. I think I got it for a good price, and I am happy to check another military pistol off my wish list. As far as what I still have left to go, well, that's a story for another day, and probably another forum. Pic will follow soon.

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