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Another institution gone...

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I moved five times, to five different states, pursuing employment. Each time was a hostile kick in the pants (layoffs, reduction in work, closure of business, political changes, etc) and out the door.


It can be done. If one have the golden handcuffs on, then i understand that too.


Retirees don't have golden handcuffs and can relocate, and many do.


Edit: you came close to moving because of the wild fires. Many, many others had to move because their community was consumed by the wildfires.



I see you don't live in California. Its more than that. This is a forced closing of a gun store by a local city. Gun owners in California are concerned of the ramification of this. San Francisco has now shown how these tactics can be used in any city in the state. Its really too bad this happened. California gun owners and gun stores are being attacked all the time here in this state. Just remember that what happens local can go statewide and then national.



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I moved five times, to five different states, pursuing employment. Each time was a hostile kick in the pants (layoffs, reduction in work, closure of business, political changes, etc) and out the door.


It can be done. If one have the golden handcuffs on, then i understand that too.


Retirees don't have golden handcuffs and can relocate, and many do.


Edit: you came close to moving because of the wild fires. Many, many others had to move because their community was consumed by the wildfires.



I see you don't live in California. Its more than that. This is a forced closing of a gun store by a local city. Gun owners in California are concerned of the ramification of this. San Francisco has now shown how these tactics can be used in any city in the state. Its really too bad this happened. California gun owners and gun stores are being attacked all the time here in this state. Just remember that what happens local can go statewide and then national.




I understand. and no I don't live in California. I had issues with that state, starting 50 years ago.

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To add to Sierra's observations, if you look at a geopolitical map of California, you'll see that geographically the state is perhaps 80% "red" and maybe 20% "blue." (Crude estimate).


However, the major population centers - Los Angeles and San Francisco areas - are quite "blue." And pretty much control the state. And they are constantly striving to force their mindset on the rest of the state... and all too often are succeeding. We in the rest of the state would be fools to not take notice and be alarmed by what happens in those places.

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To add to Sierra's observations, if you look at a geopolitical map of California, you'll see that geographically the state is perhaps 80% "red" and maybe 20% "blue." (Crude estimate).


However, the major population centers - Los Angeles and San Francisco areas - are quite "blue." And pretty much control the state. And they are constantly striving to force their mindset on the rest of the state... and all too often are succeeding. We in the rest of the state would be fools to not take notice and be alarmed by what happens in those places.

I understand and agree.

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Arizona... Nevada... Idaho... Wyoming (danged cold though!)... heck, even Washington are all startin' to look mighty invitin'... more so the older I get. ;)

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Everywhere but,,, may be a better choice... Be careful, there are little pockets of SF in every state.

Exactly. Mostly centererd around the major urban centers with their Starbucks, microbreweries, smart cars, and trendy boutiques. ;)

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