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Total gender equality at last

Utah Bob #35998

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Females can be posers too! :angry:


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My brother-in-law, when he went to apply to the VA, was turned down, no records could be found, yet he had 2 Purple Hearts, etc. In moving he lost his paperwork. It took years, but finally worked out and he got the care needed. Seems many records were lost or destroyed in a fire. Another friend said he went through the same thing, records lost in a fire. Some thought he never served, and was trying to just get VA medical free.

Brother in Law passed away this year. MT



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This woman is a total poser. First she shows up claiming to be a retired captain, then a Lt Col.

Claims she is a SS recipient. That's easily checked. Alll the names are on record. Rappeled from chopper in Nam? Puleeze!

There was a fire in the archives in 1973 that destroyed a lot of records. Posers know this and try to exploit it when their records can't be found.

There was an 80% loss of records for Army personnel discharged from 1912-1960.

A 75% loss of Air Force RECORDS from 1947-1964.

And some loss of Reserve members who served active duty from the 50s and early 60s.

No fire for her, except maybe after she's dead. ;)

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