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Calling all Waddies


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The Waddie form has only been active for 2 days and I already have 11 sign-ups.


25th should be the best yet :FlagAm:


Lucinda Lill and Bighorn will be there around June 14 -15 see you all then.


FancyFree don't forget the cookies !!!!!!


Fancy Free,


Oatmeal and raisins PLEASE!




knew I could count on you!






PS Travis is giving up cookies for '06, so I can have his also!


at least you are giving me plenty of time to get them baked.

By the way Bighorn, what kind do you like with your coffee?

Laylow, I know better than Travis giving up his cookies :FlagAm:

That just won't happen. You better watch out trying to take his, you could end up cleaning the porta johns :wacko:




Howdy Footloose, Fancy Free and Drago,


I'm signed up for RO agin, and ready to rock and roll! See you in June! (It seems


strange to say that, I may have to go to the Invitational just because of habit)!


Happy Trails, till then...........


YHOS, Southpaw :wacko:


Yes Travis, I won't let Laylow have your cookies.I may need a bigger trailer for all of them I have to bring.

It now seems that no matter where I go I'm expected to bring cookies :FlagAm:

Gee I wonder how that hapened?

Guest Tom Muley, SASS #27759

"Waddies"? I think once I used to be one.

Fancy, e-mail me one of them thar cookies and I'll e-mail ya a cup of cowboy coffee.

  • 1 month later...

I signed up also, like I do for all the Founder's Ranch events. I am not sure if I will be ROing and or Waddieing but was told to plan on being there.


Drago, Are you going to put all the waddies that are camping in one area?


Fancy, lookin forward to it and some of your cookies too. Guess we will have to leave the snow shovel home for this EOT. Col. Hank aka Col. DVS Fox

Ok Footloose and I are all signed up.

Who else is riding with us. :D



Fancy Free,

I may be having a "senior moment" here, but I seem to remember signing on as a waddie about a month ago. However I haven't heard anything form Drago yet. Anyway if I'm not signed up I want to be! Guess I better holler at Drago.


Could somebody help this newcomer to SASS, please?


I live in Albuquerque, and hope to spend a couple of days or more at EOT, soaking up the ambiance, watching some of the shooting, and probably spending money at some fo the vendors.


Would signing up as a waddie give me a better appreciation for the sport? What types of duties would I expect to be assigned? (Note, I have yet to shoot my first match, but plan to participate starting in January, and hopefully every month thereafter. Would I have enough experience by then to be useful, or would I just be getting in the way? In other words, would I be better off signing up as a conventioneer? Be honest, my hide is pretty thick.)


Well, I was a Waddie for a lot of years (7or8) and have been the ramrod for the last 7. I must say it is fun but then with all those years I guess that would seem apparent. O.K. IT’s a lot of work l-o-n-g hours too!...but I have always tried to make it fun too.

It’s really the best place to see what going on. I have Waddies returning year after year because they enjoy being a part of the success of the event and just because they had a lot fun doing it.

I hope some ol’timers respond to this…Fancy, Footloose, Padre, Slick Four Eyes Nick, Pigpin, Cap'n Highpockets???? Travis you too..

Hey, living in NM makes it a little easier for you :D

Could somebody help this newcomer to SASS, please?


I live in Albuquerque, and hope to spend a couple of days or more at EOT, soaking up the ambiance, watching some of the shooting, and probably spending money at some fo the vendors. 


Would signing up as a waddie give me a better appreciation for the sport?  What types of duties would I expect to be assigned? (Note, I have yet to shoot my first match, but plan to participate starting in January, and hopefully every month thereafter.  Would I have enough experience by then to be useful, or would I just be getting in the way?  In other words, would I be better off signing up as a conventioneer?  Be honest, my hide is pretty thick.)


Rev. Hiram,

If you don't mind working at what ever comes along to be done, get paid $1/day & meals, work w/ great people, make a lot of new friends, and get hearty thankyou's from other cowboys, then I reckon you'll most likely enjoy being a waddie at EOT! Don't worry about experience, that comes on the job. Saddle up! EEEEHAA!!!!!


Footloose and I have been Waddieing :D since 2000. Have had a lot of GREAT expieriences,meet a lot of folks that I never would have got to meet, worked HARD,but like the Boss said we have had LOTS OF FUN!

We all started out not knowing anything,some of us still don't know much :D but we all work together to put on the BEST EOT that we can.

It is something that you will never forget.

Saddle up and join us at the Silver Anniversary.You won't regret it.


Pretty much everyone has given you the fine points of being a waddie. I can only add that you get the "behind the scene" view of EOT because we work at most of the operational points of EOT and you will get to meet more people as a waddie then you can as a shooter. The dollar a day pay and meals is really just a bonus, most people donate their pay to a charity.


Now the darker side. We try to get waddies jobs that will allow them to see EOT from various vantage points, but sometimes you can be stuck in a job doing the same thing. NOT that is bad. Some people like to work one spot or do one thing. We try to move people around if they want to move. If you have a skill, preference for what you do or where you work, and IF we can accomadate your need, we try to get you into that spot. If you get a job you can't handle for one reason or another, let us know. We try to make this a enjoyable experience for everyone and we always need people for the evening events and Hipshot needs range officers if you have attended the Range Officer classes.


I suggest you sign up at least once and you'll find it's fun. Look over the list of assignments and select the spots you'd like to work. Your experiences more than skills can dicate where you may end up so use the experience box at the end of the application.


You will not be bored. IF YOU ARE, we're doing something wrong. It is work plan and simple, but it is extremely rewarding and you meet the best people that SASS has to offer.


If that doesn't sell you, Fancy Free makes the best free oatmeal raisin cookies you can get your hands on. IF she has any left by the time you get there. (maybe I'll get a few more with the plug?) :D


My take, it's all about the people. Seems like I have more fun shooting with the people I shoot with in this game than any other.


EOT brings people from all over together. Geez I met some guys from the Czech Republic who didn't speak English, but he had a translator.....and he was having a great time


I saw more and learned more and met more people being a Waddie at EOT.


Year 1 - I worked the parking lot detail on day 2, then got another detail on day 3.


I won't say stomping around Norco in 100+ heat wearing ill fitting boots was fun, but I met some great people and I did have a great time.


Year -2 Cold, snow, mud and rain in NM made for a really difficult time for some, lot sof complaining on the wire. I loved it, most of the people there didn't seem to mind all that much.


Year 3- I'll let you know when Drago gets done with me.

I am back for more, yep I signed up again.


All of the folks I've met are really nice. I like the people, I like to socialize with them, they are fun to be with, we usually have a good time, mostly the work isn't that bad, and the Dollar a day seems like it pays better than my real job.


Fancy Free makes some real nice cookies (Don't give Travis any of my COOKIES)


My wife likes doing it -that is also a great reason!


Drago, Travis, Tess, Tilly, DVS, Footloose, Padre, Doc, Ranger Pat, PigPen, Slick 4 eyes Nick, Chiz, Cactus Kris, Liberty Liz, Nighthunter, Cryptkeeper, Pike, Iron- steel or rock feather, PMS and all the others -I'd name em all but my rememberer broke down...the list is endless - make it more than worthwhile


Once you go, you get a real eye opener. All the fun isn't just in the shoots.


Don't get me wrong, I love to shoot, but being a Waddie is a great experience-different fun, but still fun and I use my vacation to do it.


Try it, you may like it. Who knows -

Heck you may end up as a longtime waddie you have so much fun.


My .02




I signed up for both RO and Waddie duty maybe I will get to RO and Shoot during the day and Waddie after the shooting is over. Looking forward to meeting you guys and gals.


Welcome to the crew, you will get to meet and work with a great group of people, from all over the country.


Dang, I guess most of my ole Pards is a signin' up. I rekon I best sign up too! Shur had fun a workin' with all the Waddie gang at EOT last year (Drago, Laylow, Fancy Free, Pistol Packin' Granny, Frost E Filly, No Name, Wanderin' Cowboy 'n a BUNCH of others.

See ya'll next year!! I done it!


:P Rev.Hiram W Reed

Don't stand back and look in from the outside jump in with both feet. Drago will find a fit for you, we always welcome new cowpolks to the working part of EOT. Hope to meet you and shake your hand.


Best Regards



Count me in. I like jumpin' in with both feet. I'm looking forward to taking it all in and giving some back...


Should I expect a phone call or email before June telling me I am on the Waddie Posse ?


Do you experienced waddies also shoot the main match?






Chick Brewster:


Go to the EOT site and click on the Waddie sign up page and sign up.


Some Waddies shoot but it is done early in the week before the main match.





Should I expect a phone call or email before June telling me I am on the Waddie Posse ?




I did sign up and wanted to know if someone will be contacting me or what?




Chick - you'll get a letter in the mail from SASS. Welcome to the Waddie Shack and we all hope you have a great time.

  • 2 weeks later...

I signed up today, I already plan to take that week off from work, and indicated that I can serve every day except Sunday.


I shot my first match last Saturday, and it was a blast! I will be shooting tomorrow as well. Last Saturday I spoke with a couple of fellows who have served as Waddies in the past, and they both seemed to have a positive experience.


I checked lots of boxes on the form, hopefully I can get a variety of assignments.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, I was chosen as a RO so I will still help out when I am avaiable looking forward to seeing everyone.

  • 4 weeks later...
Ok Footloose and I are all signed up.

Who else is riding with us. :D



Shale rider and I signed up awhile back but haven>t recieved our letter yet. Look forward to seeing Drago, Footloose and you real soon. Regards, Valley Rider.


Got the reminder call last night......thanks Bighorn.


Sure, I'll be there again <_< You folks got it right about it adding so much to the whole EOT experiance to lend a helping hand where it's needed.




I have received about 50 sign-ups so far. I will be sending out confirmation letters soon, I need a few more in order to start assignments. We started meeting at the SASS office and Travis and I are busy working on the forms, making the lists for badges and…..so Fancy start the count down….we are already workn’


I’ll see ya soon………



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