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Calling all Waddies


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Drago ole Pard, there'll be a bunch of Buffalo Range Riders helpin' out this year too! (The Founder's Ranch Club). :( I be one of them fellers! :(

Sum body gots ta keep Laylow (what gives false aliases to pards) Curly in line!!!

Hope we kin be of help to ya!! :):)

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Drago, I will show up early to help with setup and all. Like I said I will help out when I am not Roing or shooting or sleeping so that leaves a lotof time to help.


OK, we gonna play it like that, eh?





Crykeeper misspelled his name on his application, yep he did it again this year.


Please make sure his name "CRYKEEPER" is spelled correctly again this year, just as it was last.







I'll gitcha LL, I'll gitcha, first 10 rounds is on you!!!!!!!!!!


Best wishes

"Crykeeper" (PT went Cruisen')


Now…… Now, CryPTkeeper, I need that good ol boy LLC for Awards and Prizes. :)


Blackie, glad to have you! :)


Drago, Do you have a date set for setting up yet? I am able to show up the day prior to setup when ever that is as long as I got travel time from Mulecamp.


Ok, the Boss said start the countdown,soooooo

85 days till we get to HIDDEN VALLEY


Starting the baking NOW!


OH,,, goody!


She's startin to make my COOKIES!




I'll give you one of my oatmeal and raisin cookies for a pass on the shooting!


They are well worth it, ask Travis who gave up his cookies to me this year.


Fancy, yep 85 days should just get enuff cookies done for me!




See you all in Albamaturquey in two months or so!





:excl: Hi, y'all! My pard is signed up to shoot, but I wasn't sure if I was ready yet. (After shooting at Winter Range [aka: Adobe Boots II] this month, it doesn't seem that intimidating :excl:.) Anyhoo---before that, I decided maybe I could stay away from leaving' all my $ with the sutlers and be of use to somebody, so signed up to Waddie this year. First time for me, too.


Drago: Letters out yet? Just makin' sure I don't get lost in the shuffle. Plannin' on being there Tuesday, so can help whereever needed from Wednesday on. Jist no heavy liftin'--dang, it's tuff gettin' old.


Sound like fun--Whoopee---let's git 'er done! B)


Got my e-mail confirmation last week, Look forword to meeting you all and having a great time.


Ten High


Travis IS NOT giving up his cookies

Laylow if ya don't quit pesterin him I will give him YOUR cookies.

Got my email also.

Welcome to the crew Ten High and I can't wait to meet all the NEW Waddies. :D

80 days and counting


I'm gunna be a new waddie this year... and boy am I lookin' forward to COOKIES :-) There has been lots of talk about them thar tid-bits... and I too am looking forward to meeting a whole bumch of new folks :D




I sent out email confirmation letters last week. (Pie Crust..did you get yours?) The official letter with the assignments and details to follow, probably mid April.

As of right now we are a little short on Waddies, I hope to get about 30 more before I send out the letters.

Check out the post about the special Waddie shoot, don't pass this up!

See you there!


Drago, I was selected to RO but I am willing to help with the setup and teardown also if you need it. Let me know.


Yep--got your e-mail. Guess I was jist a bit antsy. :wacko: Look forward to the work, the people, the shoot, the costume contest. Boy, Howdy--we're gonna have us a good ole time. :D


Someone forgot to count in there.



77 days.


Fancy, you want me to bring some ICE CREAM so we can have it with cookies?


Ask Padre if he still has peanut shells in his hat?


I have to remember to bring all the pictures, Footloose looks pretty good in one picture!




Fancy, dont ya be a eatin' any of Lowdown Curlys "Mice Cream". I done seen how he makes it, taint a purdy picture. :wacko:

Save me sum CHOC-lit cookies!!! :D:D


Laylow's counting? I pity Jus Pepper. He has to take his boots off to get past nine, he's short a digit, and that means them feet are open to the air..............I think I'm gonna be sick! :wacko:


This email was sent out to ALL Waddie applicants:


UPDATE-standard reply....


Confirmation letter(s) will be sent out as soon as I receive enough

applications to start assigning duties.

Thanks for sign' on...see you at EOT 06




EOT 06 Waddie Ramrod


So far all Waddie applications are accepted...pass the word


I have received several emails back 'Undeliverable', so some do not know yet.


Boys & all...... ;) now don't go pesterin Fancyfree fer all them cookies jus yet. She been feelin poorly fer about a week and needs time to recooperate four she get into full swing cookie production.

She did do a sample batch yisterday and they turnd out so good they is almost all gone already.

Fer some reason no one can understand why they jist dissapear from the cookie jar. She anin't quite figered out whats makin'em dissappear so fast. :huh:

I'm thinkin some o' you good folks are sneakin in here and liberatin 'em. :FlagAm: Ya'll best be careful tho, the cookie snatcher eater, BRAT (who is normaly a really laid back and friendly dog) has been put on guard at the cookie jar. So now ya'll been warned, so I don't xpect anyone to complain bout Brat tast testin 'em ifn they get caught at the cookie jar.



Footloose (who knows how to bribe the Brat)


:huh: Fancy is ill? We all hope she gets better real fast.....................oh sure it's because we want cookies, but we kinda like you too......................well I did say kinda!


Just kidding. Fancy get better. We miss your smile and loving ways (like how you tell us what to do, think, act oh you know!) :FlagAm:


Footloose: Hope Fancy is feelin' better right soon. If she needs help cookie makin', have her contact me. I can jump in iffin she's in a bind.


:huh: Hoo, Boy--Looks like my pard, Silvermane, put me on the hook. Fancy: would not want to step on your cookie makin'--Silvermane just gets excited when something baked comes out of the oven.


Anybody like apple crisp? Drago: need to know about how many waddies when finally counted, so's I kin bring enough fixins' for my "famous" dish.


Let's see, do I have enough baking dishes, apples, butter, hmmmmm? :FlagAm:


Ok Fella's it ain't that bad I just have a lousy cold that has sapped my energy.But thanks for the Get Wells.

There is plenty of time to bake them cookies.

Pie crust, if ya want to make apple crisp, I for one would love to get a taste.If ya need anything let me know as I have a pretty well stocked camper. contact me via email and we'll make some plans.



Sorry to here you are under the weather hope you feel better soon.


Looks like us Waddies are goin to be eatin some pretty good stuff this year sure feel sorry for the cowpolks that arn't Waddies.


74 Day's until we arrive at EOT

"Let's see, do I have enough baking dishes, apples, butter, hmmmmm? "


Pie Crust, If need be I could rustle up about six er eight Duch Ovens suitable fer makin Apple Crisp. That is if'n you need more. Just let me know.


Footloose :FlagAm: (who is overloaded with Duch Ovens)


Footloose: Never used Dutch Ovens for apple crisp before. You'd have to teach me how not to burn them apples. I'm more used to one of them new-fangled stoves, but could bake in disposable pans and then heat up at "the fire".


Now you're even getting me hungry.


Are we going to work or eat at EOT?



Pie Crust,


I have an oven and a microwave in my trailer.


and the answer is:


You work, Drago, Travis, Footloose, Padre, Doc Cutter, PigPen, Nighthunter, Ranger Pat, DVS, Big Horn,CryPTkeeper, me and Oh so many more of us waddies will eat the apple crisps that you make and the cookies that Fancy makes!




bring 'em, maybe we can get Rooster to make us more food. His cobbler was very darn good and so is the rest of his food!


Hey we haven't heard from Rooster? Is he comin this year?

If so we can sure pack in a few Dutches.In fact we might even get Footloose to cook something. And I ain't so bad with cowboy coffee either, only got about 4, 2 gal coffee pots for the fire.We have feed a few people from the fire,soooos we do now how!

Pie Crust,


You work, Drago, Travis, Footloose, Padre, Doc Cutter, PigPen, Nighthunter, Ranger Pat, DVS, Big Horn,CryPTkeeper, me and Oh so many more of us waddies will eat the apple crisps that you make and the cookies that Fancy makes!





wait a durn minute--is you sayin' the womenfolk work and the menfolk eat? I bet FancyFree has a say about who works, at lease according to what Footloose has said before! :huh:

Guest Tom Muley, SASS #27759

Apple crisp--------

I made some excellent dutch oven apple crisp at Gun Fight Behind the Jersey Lil, this past year. Just ask Rooster.


Yes, Rooster will not be End of Trail this year, his back is real bad and he just got bad news about his Dad, has cancer. Say prayers, heck of a nice guy.


I would love to do the chuck wagon cooking, but $$$ are lacking to make the trip and I have no equipment to set up SASS's wagon.


Sounds like the waddies are all going to have one hell of a time.


I will miss you all.



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