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Background Check bill vs AWB


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Anybody noticed that all the hate and hysterics is based on the Toomey bill? I just feel short of passing, yet the AWB really went down in flames.....


Yet two things stand out to me.


1) Why all the fuss and hate over the Toomey bill? When I showed some left leaning friends of mine the so-called pro gun goodies in it, like being able to purchase and possess said purchase in ANY state, they changed their tune and are now glad it failed.....yet the media gins up hysterics, and Obama says it's a sad day cause a background check bill failed. I would think he would leave those words for the AWB and magazine limits.


2) With the alleged pro gun goodies in Toomey, why the hell would long time haters like DiFi, Lautenberg, and others actually vote for it? Was there an actual poison pill in it? Or did they have a press conference on standby after the vote were they would publically condemn the 'loopholes' which would have been the exemptions.


My money says the haters supported the bill because they new it was going down, and they could gin up hysterics about the NRA boogie man.

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