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Cassalong Hopidy

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This may be a poor question, but how do you change font, font size and style, use bold, italics, etc. when posting on the Wire? I have tried to use them and get what appear to be programming editorials in the text--but they appear in the post just that way and the commands they represent (e.g. to italicize the name of a book) are not executed. Thanks for the help.


Cassalong Hopidy

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First, type out your message. Then, using the cursor, "paint" the area you want to format. Then, click on the formatting button you want to use (bold, underline, etc). Use the same process when you want to change the color of what you've highlighted, or the font style, or the size.


If you want to apply multiple formats to the same text, you must highlight it each time (but don't highlight the format commands) before you apply the format.


This should be blue, bold, Times Roman, in a medium size.


Regards, TJH

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