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A ruff weekend,

Slowhand Bob, 24229

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I was not as strong as I thought and after only a few months I fell off the wagon hard this past weekend. As I type this with groggy eyes and weak trembling fingers I am here to ask for your help and understanding with my addiction. The judge, my wife, feels that I should be confined to the house, without a checkbook, for an unspecified period this time, thus the need for your help. I need offers of credit and layaway NOW!!!! After her last intervention I, under duress, agreed that fifty pistols was enuff for any one person but that was bogus. Some of the pistols I saw on the Classifieds this past weekend have thrown me back into the cold reality, one can never have enuff guns. Please, either send me money right away or at least "shoot up into the tree", so to speak, and go to the Classifieds and buy the 45 Uberti Schofield and thet pair of short barl Uberti Open Tops afore I really break down bad this time! Have a nice day.

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