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Zoot Shooters get respect

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Was a bit surprised when I looked at today's Wall Street Journal and found a front page article (below the fold) on Zoot Shooters. It was titled "Range War: Cowboys, Gangsters Take Aim at Each Other."


Seemed to be decently written, giving credit to CAS for spawning the interest in zoot shooting. The article goes on to state that, "So far, there are only about 60 Zoot Shooters, in four states and Italy," while there are "thousands of cowboy shooters world wide."


Any time the shooting sports get some good publicity, I think that's a good thing. As for cowboys and gangsters taking aim at one another... I don't think I'll be losing any sleep over that situation.


Regards, TJH


[EDIT] Couldn't find the article on the WSJ website, but they did have a video, which I assume was taken when the reporter was researching the article.


WSJ Zoot Shoot video

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The video of the 1911s gunfighter was interesting but it appeared to violate the zoot shooter rule:


"8. Pistols will be drawn from holsters. Because AZSA is a costuming sport and shoulder holsters fit the roles, guns may not be drawn with a round chambered! The reason is because of potential sweeping with a gun drawn from a shoulder holster (see rule 7). To be consistent and fair, this will include all auto-loading pistols drawn from ANY holster. Since it is difficult to have a revolver in an un-chambered condition they may not be drawn from a shoulder holster. Revolvers can ONLY be carried and drawn from hip mounted holsters!"


Very interesting stuff!!






Was a bit surprised when I looked at today's Wall Street Journal and found a front page article (below the fold) on Zoot Shooters. It was titled "Range War: Cowboys, Gangsters Take Aim at Each Other."


Seemed to be decently written, giving credit to CAS for spawning the interest in zoot shooting. The article goes on to state that, "So far, there are only about 60 Zoot Shooters, in four states and Italy," while there are "thousands of cowboy shooters world wide."


Any time the shooting sports get some good publicity, I think that's a good thing. As for cowboys and gangsters taking aim at one another... I don't think I'll be losing any sleep over that situation.


Regards, TJH


[EDIT] Couldn't find the article on the WSJ website, but they did have a video, which I assume was taken when the reporter was researching the article.


WSJ Zoot Shoot video

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I was interviewed for that article. She asked quite a few questions about CAS. Nice reporter who has done other pro-gun pieces. The "gunfighter" clip was a demonstration done. And was not during actual competition.

We run about six matches a year up here in Massachusetts mostly with CAS shooters.


Article here:



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The journalist forgot that CAS and Zoot Shooters are Allies, not opponents. Other than that it was a good article.

She understands that. I think the headline was what they call "A Hook" something to capture interest to read the story.

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