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Language of the day

Marshal Max Henry

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Deadwood the series was mentioned on a previous thread and I loved it but it brought a thought to mind. Although its not a very enlightend subject but They used many cuss words in the show and im sure they were trying to get accross that this type of language was common but what was a cuss word in 1879? It couldnt be the stuff they were useing on Deadwood. Does anyone have a clue?


From what I have studied, people did not cuss anywhere near as much back then as modern "folk" do. It was, after all, the Victorian and Edwardian eras or ages, and people were much more genteel. Cussing was frowned upon especially around ladies and children unlike today where it is so common.


Oh I'm sure cowboys amongst themselves out in the bush may have let loose a blue streak now and again but it was far more uncommon than today. To me that over the top cursing was the most unrealistic aspect of the Deadwood mini-series.

To me that over the top cursing was the most unrealistic aspect of the Deadwood mini-series.

I never watched the series because we don't get that channel, but the reason I've never rented any of it is because of the cussing. From what I heard from many who watched it, it seemed like every other word was a cuss word. That just turns me off. I can cuss with the best of them when I get really angry, but when I hear someone speaking as if they can't open their mouth without cussing it turns me off, both in real life and in entertainment.


Sorry, that doesn't really address the OP, but I just thought I'd share my views of cussing in general.

:rolleyes: Yes, all those words were in existence back then and even further than that. I can track a few back to the late 1600's. But the Deadwood series used a bit more to flavor the characters.

The folks that made the series said they knew that the swearing was more modern than was used back then. They tended to be quite original in their insults, discussing your heritage and personal habits extensively. But we would not find it as coarse as was used in the show. It probably was even more colorful though back then than what they used.

In the old days, the would go on insulting each other for long periods time and if you repeated the same insult, you were considered the loser. It was sort of a spectator sport for many.


But in such "camps" they did use "shocking" language for the time and the producers wanted to emphasize that.


I thought they went a little too far and went to encouraging such language. I don't think we need to do that, but that's my preference.


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