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Buckshot Bear

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Everything posted by Buckshot Bear

  1. Uh oh...... Ya' gonna' be irritated if you ever come down here for a shoot
  2. Its super clean IMO. I'm very happy to have now many many years of N320, N330, Clean Shot (Lovex DO32) stored away from the shipments that have come into Australia and also built up my primer stockpile from those huge shipments that have come in lately. All the members of my club have been able to purchase as much powder and primers as they wanted.
  3. Teen rapper accidentally shoots himself in the head while filming social media video https://www.news.com.au/technology/online/social/teen-rapper-accidentally-shoots-himself-in-the-head-while-filming-social-media-video/news-story/76de62c2db18e862802efb8e5879eeda
  4. Not sure what your 93 is here - Unleaded E10 $1.83.5 Unleaded 91 $1.85.5 Premium U95 $1.94.5 Premium U98 $2.05.5 Premium Diesel $1.83.5
  5. Our local small town radio station has just gone 'I Heart'......I feel like screaming every time I hear "I Heart" and they plug plug plug it non stop......I don't tune in much now.
  6. ‘FIRST FEMALE BULL RIDER IN AUSTRALIA’ ABC News. When Dianne Luppi won her first rodeo event as an 11-year-old she was shocked when the judges refused to give her the prize because she was a girl. "I was tall, skinny and gangly and everyone thought I was a boy, so when they called out my number after the race, they were surprised to learn I was a girl," she says. "They didn't want to give me the prize — an 18-inch embossed western saddle on a stand — but some of the top cowboys sitting on top of the chute said I did the best ride and I deserved the trophy, so they eventually gave it to me." Ms Luppi was a trailblazer in the male-dominated rodeo scene, although as a teenager she had to pretend to be a male on the circuit to compete. At the age of 16, Dianne registered with the Australian Rough Riders Association (ARRA) under the false name of Deat Lucas. "I thought they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a boy and a girl with a name like Deat and everyone just thought I was a young ringer," she says. "I only got away with it for a few rodeos though because I got caught out when I was busting for a pee." After squatting behind a truck, one of the stockmen caught her and dobbed her in, which stopped her from competing. This only made her more determined. She started up a women's rough riders association, but it didn't take off as she couldn't find other women interested in bull riding. Ms Luppi took a break from the rodeo circuit but after two marriages and two children, she moved to Far North Queensland and rediscovered the scene. Rodeo had changed since the Sex Discrimination Act was passed in 1984 and women could no longer be excluded from the sport. "When I found out I could ride at the Mareeba Rodeo, I looked around for a cowboy about my height and size and asked him if I could borrow his jeans and his boots," she says. "He asked me why and I told him I really wanted to ride one of the bulls and he said, 'Well, I've got to see this' and he took off his boots and lent me a pair of jeans.'" She stayed on that bull for about seven seconds and went on to ride in many rodeos, including the Mount Garnet Rodeo, which earned her a spot in the Women's Museum of Australia as the first woman to compete against men in open bull riding in 1984.
  7. Australian Cicadas 120 decibels Cicadas are the loudest insects in the world and there are more than 200 species in Australia. It is thought that the sound produced by some communal species can act as a defence against predatory birds and some are even loud enough (120 decibels) to be painful to the human ear.
  8. Do your cicadas make a deafening racket?
  9. This one is different I think - https://www.wildlifehabitat.com.au/port-douglas-experiences/swim-with-the-salties/ Its not something that interests me, but this does - https://sharkcagediving.com.au/shark-tours https://portlincoln.com.au/what-to-do-port-lincoln/shark-cage-diving-tours/ https://aussiemarineadventures.com.au/cage-diving/ https://rodneyfox.com.au/
  10. https://www.crocosauruscove.com/cage-of-death/
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