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Marshal TKD, Sass # 36984L

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Status Replies posted by Marshal TKD, Sass # 36984L

  1. Have not seen check clear yet, verifying that you all received my late application. Thanks

    Major Bill

    1. Marshal TKD, Sass # 36984L

      Marshal TKD, Sass # 36984L

      I have reached out to Drake Robey t see if he has received it.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. check out happy's thread on his buying a 97 shotgun from this guy!!

    1. Marshal TKD, Sass # 36984L

      Marshal TKD, Sass # 36984L

      Thanks for the heads up. If he does contact me about the rifle I will tell him he needs to make it right with Happy Appy before we do any business, not that I would after reading the other posts. 

      I was having second thoughts about buying due to him not answering messages. Even though he had been on the wire. Just confirms my gut feeling.

      I believe that we do need a place to post about these kind of deals. 

      Thanks again. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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