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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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Everything posted by Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

  1. So what's your point? It's a government regulation. MOST of them are useless.
  2. If he can still stand on his own hind legs, he can at least hold the kid's hand.
  3. There's a difference between informed, influenced, and manipulated. If you inform yourself from different sources that aren't just parroting the same story, and are actually thinking about the information, not just believing everything you read without question, you're probably not being manipulated.
  4. If you weren't, you'd know. If you have to ask, you were.
  5. If you take the song "Born Free", and play it backwards, it's "Star Wars".
  6. And that's the ENTIRE Menu. Not like today where it takes 5 minutes to read the darn thing.
  7. I don't know about that, as off size as most washers seem to be, I think they're selling Metric washers LABELED as SAE.
  8. While in an 81mm mortar platoon, we sent newbies to the armory for a baseplate jack. In the Air Wing, sending them to the Tool Room for 100 feet of flightline or a bucket of propwash was common.
  9. Are you just TRYING to bait Subdeacon Joe? (If so, I approve).
  10. The ONLY reason that EVs get mentioned is because they are already overloading the Grid in some places. NOBODY but YOU gives a crap about them EXCEPT that they, and now stoves and water heater are being pushed on us.
  11. This isn't a thread about electric vehicles. it's about people making decisions that the rest of us are going to have to live with. The Grid is ALREADY overloaded, partly because of electric vehicles. NOW, "they" want it overloaded even more. Nobody really CARES about electric vehicles. It's the cumulative effect that they have on those of us who don't want or need them, along with everything else that we're being pushed toward.
  12. Automotive work is one thing. Aviation is quite another. A misplaced tool can take an A/C right out of the sky. Most times, cars are already on the ground. Two side notes: (1) In Naval Aviation, and I presume Army and Air Force, Every tool box has a specific number, and must be checked out of the Tool Room. Further, each tool in the box has IT'S own number. When any job is finished, the tech inventories his tool box, and then a Quality Assurance Inspector does it again. Only when all tools are present can a job be signed off. The tool box will also be inventoried by the Tool Room guy when it's returned. A lost tool can be cause to shut down Flight Ops until it's found. (2) A couple years ago, I found myself with a flat on my work truck, (Freightliner). I found a metal "something" in the tire, but I couldn't get it out. When the Tire Guy showed up and dismounted the tire, it proved to be half of a slip joint plier! Neither one of us could figure out HOW it got into the tire.
  13. We stumbled across it a few years ago at a local grocery store.
  14. Too true. I just remember seeing this somewhere else and that it's supposed to be Armstrong. And growing up in Ohio was one of the reasons I now live in Arizona. I wanted out so much I enlisted in the Marine Corps.
  15. It's supposed to be Neil Armstrong. Who was from Ohio. I don't know why the gun, though.
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