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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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Everything posted by Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

  1. I'm sure that this is good eating, but it LOOKS like Vienna Sausage covered with flies.
  2. I've never seen the movie, so I don't know what that is. I'll just have to not understand it. Everything I know about the Fellowship of the Ring I picked up from "The Big Bang Theory". And I won't worry about it either.
  3. I didn't think that there was a Waffle House there.
  4. Back in Ohio, in a suburb of Columbus, there was an IGA store, (grocery store for those of you too young to remember them), that had a small section that was an actual gun store. The owner later, (mid 1980s), turned it inti a full gun store, and now Vances Outdoor is a chain of four stores in Ohio.
  5. Are you shivering so much that you double tapped without meaning to?
  6. If you do, go over and shovel Forty Rod's place for him.
  7. Not Tucson. The best/worst we've gotten in the thirty years I've been here was a couple inches that was gone by noon.
  8. And THAT'S why I live in Arizona. I've NEVER had to shovel sunshine.
  9. I believe it. Many years ago, I was stationed at New River Air Station, (that's by Camp Lejune for those who may not know), with the OV-10 Squadron there. We flew to Las Vegas to work with the Air Force on some kind of joint exercise. But they didn't quarter us on Base, but put us up in town at a hotel. We really enjoyed THAT one. As Marines, we never had it so good.
  10. I figured maybe the Squadron Master Sergeant's wife might take care of it.
  11. That's ridiculous! How can you call it Ready to Eat when nobody's cut it up for them?
  12. It it weren't for women, there'd be no reason NOT to.
  13. Is it just me, or does Willie look like he's checkin' out Janice?
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