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Pat Riot

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Everything posted by Pat Riot

  1. Drinks are on Lumpy! Bottles! Quick, serve ‘em up before he makes a break for it.
  2. That’s the opposite of these guys that take dirt bikes and slap street tires on them and ride them like they’re crotch rockets. They were called Motards, but now they refer to them as Supermoto. Basically they’re lighter, snappier handling but less power. Here’s a link to look at photos. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=motard+motorcycle&iax=images&ia=images
  3. With all this business about copyrights and such and the possibility of being out in the cold in the alley behind the Saloon I went ahead and re-upped. I don’t plan on attending matches, but I figure that I hang out here enough that I should help out a bit.
  4. I could never do what he does. I’ll bet everywhere he goes he runs into fans and non-fans that take up his time and interlope into his life.
  5. That’s good to hear. I haven’t done business with them, but it’s always good to hear about good customer service from good companies.
  6. Wow! How many OSHA rules would an inspector have a heart attack over these days after seeing that guy on the end of the bowsprit?
  7. Here are the revolvers I got pretty excited about when I saw them. The Lipsey’s S&W No-Lock 686 and 629 Mountain Guns. https://link.smith-wesson.com/q/7wkgQYjhAT1QTJFtBMC86z3mWJ7YfaWYWKyS-mwFE4-9kklhQ3X_qM5MoJ I would love to see one of these in .45 Colt
  8. Happy Australia Day! I’d post a cool image, but…
  9. In my voicemail message on my phone I tell callers that if they won’t leave a message that I won’t call back and I mean it. Since retiring, my incoming calls have dropped dramatically. My family in SW Pennsylvania rarely call me and to be fair I rarely call them. Within my immediate family (brother & sisters & spouses) we have a “Family” text set up and we literally text every day. My 1 sister and I talk on the phone occasionally. I rarely talk with my other 2 sisters or my brother on the phone. They prefer texts and Facebook Almost everyone in my family uses Facebook. (Wife, daughter, son-in-law, grandson. Brother, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces) “Almost” means everyone, but me. Since I am not on FB I do miss out on events that are important to my family members, but the bonus is I also miss out on lots of drama. BONUS! “ding, ding, ding…”
  10. Oh, they’ll be working it out…for years and years.
  11. Congratulations, Great Grand Pappy
  12. If I had my way I would put up lights and leave them on year round. Every night they’d be shiny and bright AND if I had a bigger house I might even leave a tree up year round. Only 333 days til Christmas. If you need a countdown for reference here’ a a link. https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/christmas
  13. I forgot to add that when I had a bike accident in 2017 the insurance company wanted to give me Blue Book value for my bike. I insisted on replacement costs and found examples online of what my bike would cost to replace it with the same one and sent the links to them. They gave me the replacement cost which was $2000 higher than the Blue Book they used.
  14. Insist on getting the replacement cost, not what it’s worth. They will balk, but stick to your guns. And @Rip Snorter has a good point. Add data retrieval to your price.
  15. I can see it now…(queue wavy lines) Penister: I need a gun Dude: Whatchoo got? Penister: I got two 8-balls of meth and $57. Dude: (hands our hero a pistol) Penister: Dude, this thing’s a piece of junk! Dude: That’s all you get for that amount in trade. Penister: Throw in some ammo! Dude: All right Fife, here’s you a bullet! Now take it and get out! Penister: But Dude! One bullet? Dude: That one’s a special bullet and it’s all you need. Trust me…It’s truly special. Penister: C’mon Man…dis is bull $#*%! Why is it special? Dude: It’s so special they gave it its own name. It’s called a “Cartridge”. (Flashes huge grin) Penister: A “cartridge”…Wow! I have never heard of these. This is sick, man! I’ll take it. Months later… Penister: But it’s just one bullet! I shouldn’t get 5 extra years for that! ADA: You bragged to the police about having “a special bullet called a cartridge”. A bullet would have added no time to your sentence, but a “cartridge? Well now, that’s special…Barney Fife.
  16. Hmmm…I thought we were going to get a lesson in Italian slang. if you know what I mean.
  17. I thought you were going to say something like “…finished a sentence in your title.” But I was wrong.
  18. One of the reasons I never saw a benefit to my use of Trail Boss is when I found and tried Trail Boss the first time it cost me the same as a pound of Universal powder. Trail Boss powder weighs in at 9oz in a 1 pound bottle. If loading a cartridge that takes 5 grains on powder I can get 1400 rounds out of a 1 Pound bottle of Unique, Universal, W244, etc. That same container only filled with 9 ounces of TB yields only 787.5 loads at 5 grains each. IF we’re loading in a perfect world. I somehow manage to spill a little powder. I must admit, though, the recoil of an 800fps 255 grain bullet load with Trail Boss doesn’t have the sharp recoil of a 800fps 255 grain bullet load of Unique or Universal. It must be that Trail Boss’ burn rate and pressure are such that it seems to minimize felt recoil.
  19. @Rooster Ron Wayne Rooster, This is a number in Olympia for homeless assistance. I would call and see if they can help you out. Here’s the website: https://www.olympiawa.gov/community/housing___homelessness/index.php
  20. Picture this video … There’s a guy pitching baseballs to kids to hit with a bat. A kid makes contact and hits the ball. Line drive into the guy’s groin. He falls down writhing in pain. Everyone laughs.
  21. Something to consider… Many forums require that if you post something from another website that you post a hyper link to the media (image, video, graphic, etc.) for people to click on to access the site OR you post a link showing where the image came from either above or below the image. This removes or mitigates the chances of copyright infringement issues. EXAMPLE: Image from: https://www.sassnet.com/sass-clubs/find-a-club-near-you I also posted this in the GOFWG’s thread
  22. Something to consider… Many forums require that if you post something from another website that you post a hyper link to the media (image, video, graphic, etc.) for people to click on to access the site OR you post a link showing where the image came from either above or below the image. This removes or mitigates the chances of copyright infringement issues. EXAMPLE: Image from: https://www.sassnet.com/sass-clubs/find-a-club-near-you
  23. Here’s a good succinct description of the purchase. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/olin--winchester-to-acquire-ammunition-assets-of-ammo-inc-302355699.html I swear, news people are getting more carnival barker in their reporting. “Blah, blah, blah” about inane horse crap…
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