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Abilene Slim SASS 81783

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Everything posted by Abilene Slim SASS 81783

  1. The first click must have seated the primer…
  2. First time I made that drive was in the dark around 10:00 pm from Flagstaff to Prescott. Talk about treacherous! Since then it’s been in daylight, but is still a bit of a heads up experience. Cool sign. Did you get it Jerome or Prescott?
  3. When the A-10 was first conceived, the Army wanted it to add to its helicopter fleet for CAS. The Air Force saw that as an encroachment on their territory, (because it was an airplane) and demanded it be under their control. Since then, they’ve treated it as a bastard stepchild and have tried for decades to eliminate the platform in order to use the funds for other bling and toys. They came within a gnat’s whisker of doing so, but Desert Storm came along just before that happened. Having nothing in the inventory that came close to its capabilities, it was used to great success, much to the chagrin of AF brass. And here we are almost 35 years later with nothing in the works to replace it, despite much success. Like the B-52, it’s a workhorse, but its mission lacks the dazzle of high-tech projects like The F-35 and whatever comes after. Screw the grunts on the ground, says the AF. Other than that, I have no opinion. Rant mode off.
  4. One of my favorite videos is of the late Senator John McCain grilling AF brass on canceling the A-10 and how they proposed to replace a very effective and cost-effective CAS platform. One of the generals said the B-1 could fill in. McCain ripped him a new one…
  5. Dogs can shoot BB guns?
  6. Despite a “common” language, some people need subtitles. 😁
  7. I read somewhere that they deliberately dropped him a couple of seconds early to surprise him. That look is genuine.
  8. 9:05 pm, CST, 9/1824: Hans Gruber just fell from the Nakatomi Tower. Again. 😁
  9. Are you referring to the Schofield revolver vs Colt revolver? What you say is true, but I think the OP and thread are about the .45 Schofield cartridge and alternatives for reducing its recoil & fouling. Or did I miss a secondary topic buried in the responses? Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve done that. 😊
  10. As my mom would say, no good deed goes unpunished. 😁
  11. Just about all of the answers to your questions are in this book: https://www.amazon.com/Lyman-Cast-Bullet-Handbook-4Th/dp/B004DWBKQY/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=3C5RYOPGUMS53&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.UXPAkEze5FhFe-5pAHuNFxGvXQ1M9uPGfbEVOyxkwNcfH2sentSxJf6uUUNndz5a0nFIvN27u0P3_UwT4fWUHSOylTh2Rx7IOhnjQUrS7UVH58tNZY2UkMv0dj-JKDXg-hdawCDRKAavo3qIUc-QScDPW2BgGTrL1lyC-cDcO35m0AQI9dyebuB668oBrLARt8R8iNaT8PdbM675QMY2TA.TfB3003t282gmWDhYA-zq3eQDQwHCHF0ZjcTMK4nPtA&dib_tag=se&keywords=lyman+cast+bullet+manual&qid=1734305259&sprefix=lyman+cast%2Caps%2C145&sr=8-1
  12. It was Jimmy Doolittle who worked out the B-26 issues. He was a helluva problem solver/test pilot/engineer. His autobiography is a great read. https://www.amazon.com/Could-Never-Be-Lucky-Again/dp/0553584642/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?adgrpid=66969385839&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.JV6EKDfT7xCaNry2JSrn8NZWyfaqhRAYAtsVi073UWmAdCKkKFU4z3oGnz58-GXzNRGNddgRerlPEg31ZxugBChU2ogWw0AZFBQKQkgiZfemg_3QFZ7KjiJmMZGne_N94gA43ZND9vEtbWXBtz8HNItw82SmB7bsCn2xVD08Sh4Y5iC48erQA1yexbCttWm9.V3y8xlbx-hcYak8giAKBSbPlwKC_KlsfUdUHbNULdNc&dib_tag=se&hvadid=337663121027&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9022860&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=5008715496683210114&hvtargid=kwd-337878816230&hydadcr=22404_10176493&keywords=jimmy+doolittle+autobiography&qid=1734287969&sr=8-1
  13. Yup, it was fun! I had just started shooting black powder then. It was a great match.
  14. Yes! And also Noble Paladin.
  15. This^ Also, a ‘73 rifle has a crescent shaped butt stock, where the carbine has a shallower curve more like a shotgun. Most prefer the “shotgun” stock, but I prefer the crescent. Try before you buy.
  16. Could be a state regulation. When my FIL died in NY in 1979, we had to purchase a coffin, even though he was cremated. State law. T’weren’t no cheap pine box either. Probably a result of the funeral lobby in NY.
  17. Thank you. I have a book called The American Steel Navy with high quality photos of the steel ships post Civil War - from the 1880’s to the Great White Fleet. Haven’t looked at it in awhile, so now I’m gonna have to pull it off the shelf.
  18. The USS Maine blew up and sank in Havana harbor in 1898. She was raised and then scuttled off Florida in 1912. I’m not aware of another ship with that name, so I wonder what ship that might be in the 1919 pic?
  19. I was thinking of the Ralphy lamp. Crude attempt at a joke on my part. Ya done good thinking of her, pard. It was a sweet gift. 😊
  20. Does it have a plug or use batteries?
  21. Couldn’t stand the daughter or her mother, so quit watching.
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