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Cypress Sun

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Everything posted by Cypress Sun

  1. And...GREAT...that Hancock guy is coming...We're gonna need more ink.
  2. That guy has never carried a CRT TV in his life. Anyone that ever owned one knows that the screen part goes against your chest, as its the heaviest portion and you wrap your arms around it, holding the back pointed end of the crt. That worked until the tvs got bigger than about 28", then it took two people.
  3. I look for Mr. Sluggo and Spot at garage sales, thrift stores and the like. No luck so far. I know you can find them on E-Bay but...
  4. I have one of those Mr. Bill toys in the reloading room. Found him in a jobsite dumpster while dumping debris. Couldn't let him go to the dump!
  5. I am sending a package to Bakersfield, CA tomorrow. Don't know why but when I saw the city, this song popped into my mind, been hearing it all day...
  6. One (or two or three) hit over the line. They ought to make a song out of that.
  7. Are you kiddin' me! Loved that smell. I can still hear the "Take that outside or else." diatribe from my mother.
  8. Don't know if you need a pistol or Holy Water.
  9. I know it's not a meme but... An elementary school teacher decides she's going to do something different for class, she's going to hold up a piece of candy and the kid that names the candy gets to keep it. She holds up a Baby Ruth A girl says "That's a Baby Ruth" and gets to keep the bars. She then holds up a Hersheys Bar. A boy says "That's a Hersheys bar and gets to keep the bar. Then she holds up a bag of Hersheys Kisses. No one seems to know what it is, but one kid keeps starting to raise his hand and then lowers it a couple of times. She asks the boy "Do you know what it is?" "I'm not sure teacher." "Why don't you come up and look at it closely." The boy goes up and looks at the bag of candy and says "I'm still not sure." Teacher takes one out of the bag and hands it to him "How about now?" "I'm still not sure teacher." She tells the kid to unwrap it and put it in his mouth, he does. Teacher says, "I'll give you a hint, it's what your mommy gives your daddy every morning before work." Little Johnny in the back yells out "QUICK, get it out of your mouth, it's a piece of a**!"
  10. "Gas lines about 10 years after the 60's".... you mean the 70's? Purely political and not based on ANY scientific discovery or information.
  11. A right-hand draw on her Ruger LCP, appears to be a right-hand draw in the knife, holding the pump handle with her right hand...but her fit watch is on her right wrist. Right-handed people usually wear their watch on their left wrist. As far as being young again, naw...she's old enough.
  12. Can't be real, there's a UFO, a large dog AND a barn disguised as a tree in the picture! Like the sheep said, "Don't be blowin' smoke up my *** and telling me it's climate change."
  13. Come on man...don't try pullin the wool over my eyes...
  14. Got a point there!
  15. An old, pre-WWII battleship?
  16. I don't think it's "random" with me anymore. I'm pretty sure that all of my body parts have conspired with each other to take turns. Probably drew numbers if I had to guess and I'm very sure that my knees pulled multiple numbers.
  17. I know it's not a meme....just had to anyway.
  18. I wonder what it would say with a light pencil coating.
  19. Now, if only people paid attention to this... Driving would be much more friendlier.
  20. They were never, ever, that clean...never.
  21. Must have been the rich Corinthian Leather that helped them.
  22. And I-75 in Georgia...just like they were for the last brood 34 years ago.
  23. Or "You ain't gonna believe this s***"...
  24. Bacon or sausage...or both! Or, going to Great Grandma's on Thanksgiving...the aroma stays with you forever....
  25. Fun fact - Almost every one of the actors portraying the Black Widows biker gang was in at least one other Clint Eastwood movie other than the "Every Which Way" series.
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