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Widder, SASS #59054

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Status Replies posted by Widder, SASS #59054

  1. I have a marlin in 45 Schofield that is suffering the jam issue. Do you still work on them?


    1. Widder, SASS #59054

      Widder, SASS #59054

      Sorri, I retired from my Marlin work over 4 years ago before my heart



      BUT, the good news is that 'Slater' does the Marlin work now.

      He is a friend of mine and fellow Cowboy shooter.

      He is also a gun dealer and gun smith.


      He and I live close to each other and if he has any issues or questions,

      we work together with our knowledge.   He's a darn good Marlin smith.


      His number is:  865 / 591-5129

      His full name is:  Eric Slater


      I hope this helps.


      ..........Widder. (feel free to call me if ya want:  865 / 696-1996)



    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Question on a widdermatic rifle I just purchased.  Is it possible to contact you for advice somehow?  Thank you 

    1. Widder, SASS #59054

      Widder, SASS #59054

      Most definitely.   Feel free to call me anytime at:


      865 / 696-1996


      Looking forward to talking with you.




  3. Are you still working on Marlins?

    1. Widder, SASS #59054

      Widder, SASS #59054

      I sent you a PM.  let me know if you didn't get it.




  4. Hello,


    I was researching 1897's before buying one and I came across a post of your from 2017. I noticed you posted that you'd had a "CB" 1897? Is that the IAC Serial # CB#####? I hope you don't mind my asking you, I'm trying to get an 1897 for my liveaboard (boat) and I'd like to see which 1897 (original or reproduction Chinese) can withstand the modern tolerances of 12 gauge ammo. Also, do you mind my asking, did anyone aside from IAC/Norinco reproduce the 1897 pump action shotgun? 


    Thank you stranger!

    1. Widder, SASS #59054

      Widder, SASS #59054

      Hey Hoppy.

      Can you call me:  865 / 696-1996






    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Hello,


    I was researching 1897's before buying one and I came across a post of your from 2017. I noticed you posted that you'd had a "CB" 1897? Is that the IAC Serial # CB#####? I hope you don't mind my asking you, I'm trying to get an 1897 for my liveaboard (boat) and I'd like to see which 1897 (original or reproduction Chinese) can withstand the modern tolerances of 12 gauge ammo. Also, do you mind my asking, did anyone aside from IAC/Norinco reproduce the 1897 pump action shotgun? 


    Thank you stranger!

    1. Widder, SASS #59054

      Widder, SASS #59054

      Howdy Hoppy.


      Is there a phone number where I can call you.

      OR, feel free to call me at: 865 / 696-1996


      The answers are better spoken than trying to type

      it out.




    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Wider are you coming out to eot? If so would you be able to tweak what looks like a nib Marlin 1894 cowboy compitition 38 Spc?

    1. Widder, SASS #59054

      Widder, SASS #59054

      Hi Blackey.


      EOT is out of my travel plans, as usual.


      The Bunkhouse Boss and I have started our 'house painting' and updating project, which will probably take most of my time and $$$.


      Right now, it looks like the only big summer match I will get to is Black Gold in KY., which is only 2 hrs away.


      Thanks for asking and I hope you have a good trip.


      As for the Marlins, I have also slowed down on their work because of the house work.   Marlins take a lot of time but the Henry .22 does not.   I still plan to work on those when they come to me.


      Slick McClade will probably be at EOT and he might be able to help with your Marlin.


      Have a great day.




  7. I just read your response to Doc Ward's post about how your hearing loss put a stop to your guitar playing.  Boy, can I relate.  I know the guitar is in tune, and I know I'm playing right, but it sounds like six kinds of discordant hell.  I'm sitting here right now looking at my favorite guitar on a stand next to my desk.  I'm thinking about just putting it away and officially accepting the fact that that part of my life is over.  But I really hate it.  Nasty Newt

    1. Widder, SASS #59054

      Widder, SASS #59054

      Howdy Newt.


      Its easy for me to say this but I really can't take my own advice.

      As long as you can entertain yourself, keep it up.


      It wasn't as hard for me to stop playing because I started into Cowboy shooting, which started taking up my time and hobby.


      But as you know, even playing a good tuned guitar sounds 'off' and trying to sing along is probably even worse.


      Instead of spending good time during the evening entertaining myself playing the guitar, I now mostly dry fire my SG and reloading.

      And I spend a good amount of time messing with a few guns.  Summer will find me shooting a lot more.


      I wish you well.  Hope to see you sometime down the trail.




  8. Howdy Widder


    I know you are doing a lot with Henry lever .22s. I am thinking of buying one, but there are many different models. Is there a difference in them other than the cosmetics? round versus octagenal barrel, brass, silver, blued receivers, etc. The ones I have looked at have what look like die cast carriers, etc. I have looked at Henry, Browning, Mossberg, and Chiappa. Browning seemed the best made, but at double the price of a Henry. How has the Henry held up with use as I am thinking of getting one for two brothers to use for CAS? I would appreciate your input on what to buy.


    Safecracer Solon 

    1. Widder, SASS #59054

      Widder, SASS #59054



      feel free to email me.   I normally check my emails more so than the SASS Wire. 







    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Howdy Widder


    I know you are doing a lot with Henry lever .22s. I am thinking of buying one, but there are many different models. Is there a difference in them other than the cosmetics? round versus octagenal barrel, brass, silver, blued receivers, etc. The ones I have looked at have what look like die cast carriers, etc. I have looked at Henry, Browning, Mossberg, and Chiappa. Browning seemed the best made, but at double the price of a Henry. How has the Henry held up with use as I am thinking of getting one for two brothers to use for CAS? I would appreciate your input on what to buy.


    Safecracer Solon 

    1. Widder, SASS #59054

      Widder, SASS #59054

      Howdy Safecracker.


      As for the .22 LR Henry internals, they are all the same.  The outer hood is the difference.

      Mine and a couple others which I have worked on since last summer, are holding up great after 2500+ rounds.

      Even though some of the internals of the Henry .22 are not steel, they are made as good as any rifle I have handled, which include the Marlin 39 and Browning lever .22


      Billy the Avenger has a VERY NICE Marlin 39 that is very slick and smooth.   But after he handled my Henry last summer at Black Gold, he bought a Henry and had me set it up for him, along with the Slater trigger job.


      My turn around time is roughly ONE day.  Slater needs another day for his trigger work and then its shipped quickly back.


      I don't ask for any payment until you receive the rifle back and find it worthy.  If ya don't like it, ya don't pay for it..... except for the returned shipping.


      My 'Soft Stroke' mod:  $65

      Slater trigger work:   $30

      Shipping:   ?


      If you decide to get one, I would like for you to shoot it first to insure it functions good from the factory.  

      Then when you get it back from me, you will feel a noticeable difference.


      If you want to call me, I can be reach anytime at:

      865 / 696-1996  or   865 / 336-2339


      Thanks for your inquiry.




    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. Greetings would love to know what the cost is to soft stroke my Henry. Will you be at EOT?  I could drop it off

    1. Widder, SASS #59054

      Widder, SASS #59054



      I won't be at EOT.   But here is some info for you.


      Cost is $65 PLUS shipping for my work.

      Slater charges $30 for his trigger work and trigger stop.


      Turn around time is usually only a couple days.


      If you can, email me because I check my emails more than I do the SASS Wire.

      email:  widder1894@icloud.com

      phone:   865 / 336-2339


      I also ask that NO payment be sent with the rifle but rather you wait till you get it back and check it out.  If it isn't what you expected, than NO payment is needed.  Its that simple.


      Holler back if you have other questions and thanks for your interest.




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