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Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129

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Everything posted by Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129

  1. I second Your Desire to Leave a Boot Print ,where it will do some Good... Jabez Cowboy
  2. A ranch lady, a personal friend shot and killed a Black Bear trying to get into the kitchen, with a .22 rifle through the screen door, one shot killing it. She said she wasn't going to share her fresh baked Pies with it... Pat was a Vet before she became a Ranch Wife... Yes I have killed Whitetail Deer with my .45 Colt lever Guns... Using both Speer 300 jacketed RNFP bullets at 1,550 fps. and My match loads with 255 Gr. RNFP , loads over a compressed loads of Goex 3F...
  3. About 60 years ago was a old Man of the Dennie Tribe that liked to show of his collection of very Large Polar bear skulls, they all had a .22 cal hole in the weakest part of the skull. He told me how he collected the 13 Skulls he showed me, he would lie on the ice next to a hole encased in a seal skin and make sounds like a seal in distress, when the bear got real close and lowered it's head to attack... He would dispatch it with a single shot Cooey .22 with cutdown barrel ... He only kept the big skulls, he claimed to have killed over 50 in this manner... He liked them to be about 12 feet away when he shot them, he used Solids with a light copper plating made by CCL ... This man was from The North West Territories of Canada... Jabez Cowboy
  4. Try the slingshot and Paint balls... IT works A paintgun works if you can't manage the slingshot. Jabez Cowboy
  5. In Uganda I use a slingshot to move sheep ,goats, cows, dogs, and unwanted critters off the School property , for ammo I use .69 cal. Paint balls. this also serves to mark the trespassing animals. And makes it hard for those that think my critter wouldn't do that! This no only discourages the critters, but clearly marks them if you wish the recover damages etc. Jabez Cowboy
  6. Blackwater; Wishing for about 220 pounds,,, Jabez Cowboy
  7. DDD; To much on my plate... I'm a Starving College Student, Now! Will work for Goex 3F Jabez Cowboy
  8. Careful they don't give you another job... Jabez Cowboy
  9. Come and Shoot in Western Canada... Jabez Cowboy
  10. When will we start looking after the needs of Canadians ? I'm not holding my breath waiting...
  11. She got a slap on the wrist, for starting 46 Fires , the one that I was thinking of... My brother saw two young men, starting a fire in B.C. last year.. Got on the phone to neighbours and 6 of them couldn't stop ,them from being roughed up a bit before turning them over to the Police... They must have fallen ... Jabez Cowboy
  12. The Nutcase Fire starting Season has started... It seems that Left has decided that it is a good idea to start fires, and blame it on Climate Change... They use to call Global Warming... Jabez Cowboy
  13. So very Sad... I hear he is looking for a new Wife, she must have an IQ double his, that means an IQ of 2 will do... He is getting tired of Jagmeet, says the beard tickles... Jabez Cowboy
  14. I put 34.3 grains of Goex 3F under a 180 gr RNFP in my .38 WCF. And 37.7 grains of Goex 3F under a 255 gr, RNFP in my .45 Colt... Jabez Cowboy
  15. And I don't shoot Mouse Fart loads, mine are more on the order of MOOSE loads... Jabez Cowboy
  16. I wish those jetting around the Globe 550 Leer Jet would stop tell us how to live... They create more carbon in one flight than I will my entire Life...
  17. They are so full of Hot Air, that it might work... And Cow Pies... The green slimy kind... Jabez Cowboy
  18. So very True... I just want to point out that We still out number the Woke... Jabez Cowboy
  19. It is said you can't fix stupid, but duct tape can muffle them ...
  20. SICK, lord God please help us to stand up against this Sinful bunch... Jabez Cowboy
  21. Canada is in very sad shape... how did we get there? Stand up and be counted ,,, Vote these commies out.. Jabez Cowboy
  22. But both our Nations need to get the Right Thinking Folk out to Vote... And push for in-person voting ... And all over-seas votes should has member of the Service along to see that the votes are counted and not just put in the dumpster out back ...
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