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Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

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Everything posted by Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

  1. I posted this one a short while ago and it evidently didn't pass muster... got yanked.
  2. The Stairs at Balamand University, Lebanon This book staircase in Balamand University is known as the StairCase of knowledge. The staircase exhibits 21 book covers in chronological order. This incredible staircase was solely designed by the students for a project, and it is located next to the university library.
  3. Second year of college I was taking a camping class in the Recreation Department - a requirement for Rec majors and minors (the latter being yours truly). One of the class assignments was a group backpacking trip into Point Reyes. Easy for those of outdoors types; a mite challenging for the city slickers. So the group eventually rendezvoused at the camping area. There were basically three types of participants: those of us who were prepared based on experience; those who prepared by reading the class syllabus; and two singularly unique "gentlemen" who were the last to arrive due to their footwear and burden. The last two, who were um... of "African American" descent... showed up looking like extras from the Super Fly movie of the era. Double-knit bell bottom slacks; shirts with huuuge, pointed lapels, white belts, wide brimmed fedoras, alligator platform shoes... And the only "provisions" they brought along was literally a well-stocked portable bar. I'm here to tell ya, folks, those gentlemen wanted for nothing that weekend! Food... warm clothes... bedding... all readily available for barter.
  4. Saw it just last weekend at the Fresno Garlic Festival.... (And a fairly poor garlic fest it was, too)
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