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Ninety Caliber Al, 50218

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Status Updates posted by Ninety Caliber Al, 50218

  1. Howdy Ned, I just saw your reply to my post on the Square Deal B 45 Colt conversion. If you still have it I’ll take it! Please PM me your address to send the gold! 


    1. Ned Plinkerton, SASS #41905

      Ned Plinkerton, SASS #41905

      Al, just saw this message. I do still have the conversion, it’s yours if you are still interested.

      Tim Brinker

      16 Megan Lane

      Villa Ridge, MO 63089

      you can reach me at, 913-526-8494, text or call

  2. What diameter bullets do you use ? Might be interested if the whole 44-40 thing isn’t too complicated for me lol. I’ve got an 1894 Marlin I’d trade plus some boot.

  3. Imis,

    Would you mind sharing exactly where you got those shooting glasses you described?





    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Imis Twohofon,SASS # 46646

      Imis Twohofon,SASS # 46646

      Jersey Bratt seems to think we got the yellow safetys in the optometry dept from Walmart, Im not sure, which one now. I dont remember variable strengths available. Sorry this becomes more confusing instead of being able to tell you for sure.


      Imis (if it is any consolation I used mine today and they did not let me down, the other way- not so much)

    3. Imis Twohofon,SASS # 46646

      Imis Twohofon,SASS # 46646

      Al  We were at Walmart yesterday late afternoon. That Is where my glasses came from. They are SafetyVu brand and in the optometry section by the cash register. Your store may vary.



    4. Ninety Caliber Al, 50218
  4. Not looking for Bisley's but thanks

  5. not looking for Bisley's but thanks

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