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Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L

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Everything posted by Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L

  1. gonna glow in the night and in daylight, too
  2. down here we also use them to keep the Sun off our gear great job for both possibilities
  3. Hi Billy Goat, good to see another citizen of The Republic joining in the fun. Know the problem with the heat--Doc just cut off all my outside events but will let me go to the matches (missing out on practice and mowing days as well as attending another club 100 miles up the road. might want to see if your club would let you shoot a couple of stages before the heat sets in--TRR would do that and let the shooter pay a reduced fee or none at all depending on how many stages they could handle. On a similar note: we just changed the rules for one of our mentally challenged shooters (lack of oxygen to the brain--COVID was not his friend). He shoots all of the stages in a Continuous Nevada Sweep--he can remember that vs. all the different ones we have throughout the match. He's back to having fun again--that's what it is all about--taking care of our fellow pards cr
  4. I have the tool with the screw went on and ordered this one--my justification is I'll review it for my club--at least that's what I'm telling myself
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