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IDA washes out road - George County MS

Chief Rick

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2 dead, 10 injured after George County highway collapses.  Highway 26 between Highway 57 and Highway 63 will be closed until further notice.


This is the route we take when going to Bayou Bounty Hunter's.


Live: Hurricane Ida washes out Hwy 26 in George County MS | Biloxi Sun Herald








Just saw that on the Weather Channel!
Scares me and I am fearless!
Seeing that dark patch at sixty miles per would leave almost no time for reaction of any kind!
Authorities on scene said it was the worst collision event in their history, they classed it as multiple head on collisions!



That is a very dark section of road.  Regardless of speed there would be no reaction time with normal headlights being your only light.


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