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I must have been blessed. I had great food in the army. SOS was very good.


It got up to +30 degrees Fahrenheit, this morning. Maybe the really cold weather

has gone back to Canada. I hope.

Once upon a time long long ago I was a Company Commander of Okinawa. We were a "transient Mess hall", meaning we were open 24/7 for anyone traveling through Okinawa to anyplace else. It also meant we got extra rations and money to buy food on the local markets.


I was blessed with SFC Letholian Waddles, a chef of the old trackside hobo jungle school who could make a cast iron stove taste good. He turned out meals that even visiting Generals raved about.


Never ate his own cooking and explained that, "if you're in it up to your elbows all day every day you simply don't want to eat it. He went to the NCO Club for lunch and home for dinner.


Nothing better than crispy fried Spam with pickles and mustard on a bun.

My wife would have agreed, but I can't stand it. The dog loves it, though, so I keep some on hand for special treats.

Posted (edited)

After I got done plowing. I came in a whipped up a pot of SOS for lunch. Haven't done that in.....well

I never have. :D


My folks, may they rest In peace, were married for 67 years. The closest they ever got to a divorce was when my Dad got back from Europe after WWII. He warned my Mom, if she ever served him Spam, he would divorce her on the spot! I've never had Spam. Saw one of the episodes on the food contest, "Chopped" where one ingredient the chefs had to use was "canned ham". Sure looked like Spam to me, but without the label! :ph34r: I think the only time I ever had SOS was in AFROTC summer camp. Never during active duty, than heavens!

When my family and I returned fro 2 1/2 years on Okinawa my dad fried up a mess of fresh trout and Mom mad a rice pudding. I explained that 2 1/2 years on Okinawa sort of soured me towards fish and rice. Dad cracked up laughing. Mom was hurt until Dad explain what I meant and we ended up going out for fried chicken.

Edited by Forty Rod SASS 3935

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