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Help with Winchester 1897 problem

Flat Iron Fred

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Hi, I was wondering if any of you would have any ideas on a problem I'm having with one of my 97's. When the trigger is pulled and the slide moved rearward in the cycling action, the cartridge stop is staying up and the screw head for the slide hook runs into it. The action won't open. If I take my finger and push down on the cartridge guide and free it from the slide hook screw head I can cycle it. Any help would be appreciated!


That slide hook screw can break off down in the thread section. This could leave the head loose and able to stick out and catch the flag. When they break like that, that bottom section of the screw can be a bugger to remove. Believe Happy Trails at the Smith Shop has new made quality steel replacement screws available.


Or the flag might have gotten bent or burred.


Good luck, GJ


Try pushing forward on the slide after pulling the trigger. The slide is normally released (in a gun still working in spec) by recoil.


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