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Buckshot Bear

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Everything posted by Buckshot Bear

  1. All the best UB, hope your having fun mate.
  2. Yes, Aussie. Our largest bird of prey. Here's some pics of one blueing with a Sea Eagle - One taking a feral fox - One having a try at a roo -
  3. “COURAGE UNDER FIRE” - 1917 Australian War Memorial. One night, early in July 1917, Sister Pratt was on duty at a casualty clearing station in Bailleul, France, when a German bomb exploded near her tent. Metal fragments tore into her back and shoulders, puncturing her lung, but she continued to care for her patients right up until she collapsed. She was awarded the Military Medal for her "bravery under fire". Following surgery in Britain, Pratt was posted to various Australian auxiliary hospitals there before returning to Australia at the end of the war. As a result of her war service, she suffered from chronic bronchitis for the rest of her life.
  4. AUSTRALIAN NURSES - 1915 Australian War Memorial Members of the Australian Army Nursing Service, pictured on camels in front of the Sphinx and pyramids. Sister Isabelle Bowman is believed to be one of the nurses. In their time off, nurses engaged in souvenir-hunting or went on excursions to the pyramids. Socialising with officers was also popular.
  5. And there's only 25m of us (not counting Kangaroos)
  6. Anzac Day 2024 Dad was in the A.I.F 2/7th Commando's. he did his Commando Training at the Guerrilla Warfare School at Wilsons Promontory in Victoria and Queensland before shipping out to New Guinea, the 2/7th Commando Company was formed in May of 1942. They all signed that they would undertake suicide missions if asked. He was a forward scout for his section, the day he turned 19 in the jungles of New Guinea they defeated numerous frontal Japanese attacks and he saw almost continuous heavy action against the Japanese in the Ramu Valley, Wewak, Wau and Bena where the 2/7th Commandos conducted long range patrol and reconnaissance operations to harass the Japanese. The Commando Companies were at first issued Thompson .45acp caliber submachine guns. Later they were issued the Owen Submachine gun in 9mm caliber. The Commandos didn't favour them as they didn't have the stopping power of the bigger .45acp round, every time they came in contact with and American unit who were fascinated with the Owens, they quickly did trades of their Owens for Thompsons. He brought home two Samurai swords taken from two dead Japanese officers, even though the two swords lived on top of their wardrobe Mum was always terrified my older brothers would get them down and hurt themselves, so Dad donated them to Bomaderry RSL and they were in the foyer until the RSL closed down. He came home with a lot health problems and was in and out of Concord Repatriation Hospital a lot through my childhood. Mums only sibling her brother Ron was a Corporal in the RAAF and was shot down by a Japanese Zero over the coast of Rabaul, there were no survivors and a rescue plane only found an oil slick on the water where his bomber and crew went down. My Grandfather (Mums Dad) was a Sergeant in the RAAF at the time he lost his only son, he later went onto become a Wing Commander in the RAAF. The Australian Govt gave my Grandmother (Mums Mother) the medal to denote that she had given one son for Australia. My Dad's great Uncle was an Australian Trooper in the Boer War (I have his spurs). My Dad's Uncle was gassed in the trenches in France in WWI, he was repatriated back to Australia and lived only to 35. My Dad's brother also was in the A.I.F and served in New Guinea. Dad's cousin was in the A.I.F and a Rat of Tobruk. My brother was in 1 Commando Company (1 Cdo Coy). My nephew was an Australian Artillery Army Captain and served in Iraq. A note - The Family business was Dale & Sons Tannery in Botany started in Armidale in 1887 and moved to Botany in 1898, because leather was such an important item for Australia's war effort it was a protected industry, meaning that non of the workers had to enlist. All my relatives working at the Tannery through all of Australia's conflicts signed up and served. The photos below are of Dad's medals and the hat band with the 'Double Diamond' patch off his slouch hat that he wore in New Guinea. Photo of my Uncle Ron and Grandfather Stan and their medals. Plaque commemorating Ron's sacrifice. The medal 'awarded' to my grandmother for her sacrifice of her only son. My brother Gary Dale. My nephew Cooper Dale. LEST WE FORGET
  7. Anti Tick measure - Reversed masking tape
  8. JAPANESE SUBMARINES ATTACKED SYDNEY HARBOUR - WW11 Hendry, 19, who was serving on the iconic Fort Denison in the heart of Sydney Harbour told Nine News he would never forget the evening the city's defences were breached and the country was put on 'very, very intense alert'. 'We were told to scan the water and we fired one or two rounds at what we thought were submarines. But it was pitch black out there and very difficult to see,' he said. The alert came after one of three Japanese submarines tangled in preventative netting near the headlands at the entrance of the harbour, not far from where the 'mother ships' were lurking. The second submarine made it to Garden Island, near the Royal Botanic Gardens, but was destroyed by depth charges shot by a bevvy of international war ships that were stationed in the harbour at the time. It was the third submarine that would cause most of the damage, as it made its way towards the USS Chicago, a large American cruiser ship. The submarine fired torpedoes at the ship, but missed, instead hitting and ultimately destroying the HMAS Kuttabul, claiming the lives of 21 Australian and British sailors. 'Many of the victims had been sleeping and just didn't stand a chance,' Mr Hendry said. Sydney was under attack and the city was in chaos. The affluent Eastern Suburbs were evacuated as sirens and explosions rang out among the late night sky. Brian George, a nine-year-old resident of Bellevue Hill at the time, told Daily Mail Australia he still 'vivdly remembered the whirring sounds of shells flying overhead'. 'One of the motherships was not far off Bondi and they were firing shells over us towards the Rose Bay base. I remember a couple of shells hit not far from our house, one struck a building nearby.' His father was an air-raid warden, so as he and his family were quickly rushed into a bunker, his father had to ensure the rest of the area was safe.
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